Chapter #12

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     A shock-wave burst from the floating pile of bedrock, almost snapping everyone's eardrums. The Bedrock cage that contained Sparky was blasted away with the energy that rippled through the End. The stranger had to cover his ears and brace for the impact of the shock-wave as soon as he saw the beaming light coming from inside the impenetrable stone. And once he looked back at the source of the explosion, he shook with horror. 

     There, in the same place he had been imprisoned in bedrock, Sparksbrine hovered above the ground. Red light emitted from him and burning ember-like particles floated off his skin. His eyes were similar to Herobrine's, accept they were red and full of emotion. He held his diamond blade in his right hand tightly, which was on fire now. The stranger had a mixture of both excitement and horror in his thoughts. He hadn't expected Sparksbrine to look so terrifying. The two players and two Micros looked up after falling over by the explosion and were astonished at the sight of their friend flying. DJ didn't look as excited as the others, however. Flashbacks of simpler times played in his head and he pulled out some obsidian and surrounded himself in it, but the others didn't even seem to notice. The explosion had pushed Herobrine back against the pillar again. He too looked up in horror as he saw those same eyes he had hoped he would never see again. After a moment of silent astonishment, the stranger, in an impersonating type voice joked:

     "Well, it's about time you showed up!" He smiled slightly under his mask. "Good to know you still have it in you, kid." Sparky seemed to snap out of the trance he seemed to be in as he noticed that he was hovering about fifty blocks above the ground. He looked at the man who was at the exact eye level with him.

      "Let's see what else I can do." He smiled an odd mixture between a playful and evil grin while looking directly at the man hovering in front of him. Immediately, Sparky put his hands together and a sphere of glowing red embers appeared between them. He moved his hands away from each other and it grew. Then without warning, the sphere flew towards the stranger and exploded on impact, sending him flying back. The man balanced himself on the air once again and made a glowing golden sphere of his own, golden flames emitted from it, and he tossed it at Sparky. The two then went back and forth, shooting and dodging spheres of light. 

     Deciding to quickly change his strategy, Sparky flew directly at the stranger, sword in front of him, and sliced at the man as he sped by. The man was able to block most of it but every now and then a sharp blade would pierce him when he wasn't focused on his enemy. Sparky then changed things a little more as he started shooting smaller flaming spheres from his left hand, while his right hand continued slicing at him as he passed. Candy and the others, accept DJ, continued fighting the Ender zombies, every now and then pulling out a bow and shooting the stranger when they got the chance. After a little bit, DJ realized he was no help being in an obsidian cage and dug his way out the top to start helping. Sparky looked down at his friends and smiled to see that they were okay and still fighting.

     "Watch out!!" Herobrine's faint voice came from behind. Sparksbrine only had enough time to turn around and watch the stranger stab him in the chest. Sparky looked down at the sword in his chest then back up at the man again, who was still holding his sword there.

     "You try so hard, don't you?" He whispered mockingly. "I bet you'll just keep fighting until I eventually kill you." Sparky didn't let the man say anything else, instead, he formed another sphere in his hands and made it explode between both of them. They both flew back and hit the floor with a loud thud as they landed. As both of them stood up, they looked equally beaten up. Sparky grabbed his chest at the stinging pain that surged through it. The other man was covering his stomach in pain. "You don't understand, do you?" The stranger hissed.  

     "I'm higher up on the tier list than you!" The stranger said as he stepped forward to find a limp in his step. "Whyy.... why do you excel above my strength?!?" He growled.

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