Chapter #2

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      A blur of light flew right threw the portal and knocked several of the warriors over. Shocked at the sight of their fallen friends, the others looked up to where the blur came from. Neon looked at what had been thrown. He saw an enchanted iron sword, glowing beautifully on the floor, and picked it up. The warriors who had fallen stood back up and shook their heads. Some grabbed their fishing rods they had dropped, others pulled out their weapons and looked around for who had thrown the sword. Neon held his ender pearl sword in one hand and the enchanted iron sword in the other.

      Swoosh! The one who had thrown the sword sprang from the rooftops and kicked Neon with both her feet, full strength. That caused Neon to fly back and land in a large stack of hay that toppled on top of him. The enchanted sword fell from his hands as he flew back. The player then picked up her sword, and with her other hand she pulled out a diamond ax. The nearest warrior swung his sword at the player and she blocked just in time. She then ducked under an arrow that another warrior shot. She began running around from warrior to warrior swinging at them one by one. All the warriors circled around Sparksbrine and dropped their fishing rods.

      The warriors knew they were stronger together, and they could tell the player knew that too. She would pull out one warrior at a time with a fishing rod and fight them until the other warriors caught up to her and began surrounding her. Then she would run away and use her fishing rod again. This went on for a while until she was the only one standing. Sparksbrine had dropped to the ground so he wouldn't get poked on accident. After all the warriors had fallen, the player picked them up one by one and bunched them together in one big bundle.

      Sparksbrine lifted his head and watched in curiosity as the player gathered the warriors together. Neon lifted his head out of the hay in frustration and was horrified to see his friends on the floor all together at the hands of the player. Neon was so horrified, he forgot he could teleport as he struggled to get out from under the hay.

      What he didn't realize was that on top of the hay there were several fallen obsidian blocks that hadn't been collected. You probably don't know how heavy an obsidian block is do you? Well, just imagine a chair right on your back, now imagine your momma sitting on that chair after eating the largest meal in the history of history. You get the point? Good, back to the story! By the time Neon was able to pull himself out, it was too late. But Neon was shocked when he saw what had happened while he was struggling to escape.

      While Neon was struggling to escape the haystack, the player pulled out a potion of healing. Neon froze in place as he saw the enemy throw a potion of healing on his friends, he didn't know what to think. Slowly, one by one, the warriors awoke and stood to their feet. They stared with astonished looks at the player who had just healed them.

      "Go now! If I see you messing with anyone else, there won't be any second chances." The player pointed to the portal as she said that, and the warriors obeyed. They cowered back into the portal like a dog that had been caught eating someone's birthday cake.

      Once all nine of the warriors ran back through the portal, it closed quickly behind them leaving nothing but fading purple particles. Neon then realized he had been left behind. He didn't know what to do so he quietly picked up his sword and teleported out of sight. After a few silent moments, Sparksbrine built up enough courage to ask.

      "Soooo, what's your name?" The player turned to him and smiled. She studied his face and glanced at his right arm.

      "My name's Candy. That is quite the cut you got there." Candy then gestured to Sparksbrine's right arm, which was bleeding. Sparksbrine hadn't even noticed it. A fishing rot must have cut his arm but he was too worried to notice.

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