Chapter #11

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     The man placed an energy shield around himself to give himself time to calm down and regenerate his thoughts. With his eyes tightly closed, the stranger whispered something to himself as if he was reassuring something in his head.

     "This is... this is.. my world...." Then out of purple smoke an army of zombie-like mobs, which looked half zombie and half enderman, spawned underneath the man and looked around for the enemy. 

     DJ prepared his bow and shot an arrow at one of the monster's heads. That only helped the mobs, however, because now they knew where the enemy was hiding. Once the Ender zombies saw the group, they attacked them without hesitation. Some teleported and some ran. These mobs in no way were slow or clumsy. They attacked with both agility and brute force combined. Once the mobs began punching the group, all four people pulled out their swords and began fighting back. They were outnumbered and already pretty tired due to the constant flow of enemies and attacks, but none of them were ready to give up. The shield around the stranger evaporated and once it did, Herobrine flew up and tackled him, wrapping his arms around the man's waist and pushing him to the ground. However, now the stranger had rethought his plans and wasn't worried about the players anymore. The Ender zombies would help him with taking Sparksbrine's friends down.

     "You still think you are making a difference Herobrine?!" The man growled as he pushed Herobrine off him and hovered into the air again. "I can't be stopped! Even if you kill, me I'll just come back with another plan!" Herobrine's revenge filled smile dropped as he heard the man say that. He then yelled with determination in his voice.

     "Well, then I guess I will just have to kill you again!! And again! And again! Until you finally rage quit or something."

     "You know nothing." The stranger hissed from the back of his throat. Herobrine didn't even respond. He sliced at the man's arm with his sword but he dodged it and punched Herobrine in the face. The stranger continued his pouting as he attacked the once feared legend. 

     "You don't understand who I am!" The man punched Herobrine to the floor. "You don't know my pain!" The man used his powers to throw Herobrine against an obsidian pillar just by moving his arm. Before Herobrine could fall to the End stone the man flew at high speed and rammed right into Herobrine with his feet. The impact was so sudden and strong a shock wave exploded around them and caused a slight breeze that rippled through the End. Everyone stopped fighting and looked over at Herobrine, who was bruised from head to toe. The man let him collapse on the floor, which just did more damage. 

     Herobrine couldn't breathe, he had lost his breath and his lungs were struggling to move. All he could do was crouch on his hands and knees and hope someone would help him. He silently pleaded, mouthing names but unable to say them. The stranger seemed pleased with Herobrine's condition. He knew Herobrine wouldn't last long on his own. The stranger turned around and started hovering over to the Bedrock pile, which was now floating because all the blocks under it had been completely destroyed. He pulled out a pickax no one had seen before, probably one that let him mine bedrock.

     Candy and the others were still fighting the Ender zombies, and the mobs were winning. Sparky could hear their swords clashing and the Ender zombies laughing through the Bedrock. It sounded like a weird mixture of an enderman yelling and a zombie moaning combined. He heard DJ still giving orders to no one because everyone else was busy doing their own thing. They had only slain three monsters and there were about fifty still left, rounding down. He could hear their yells and groans as new cuts appeared on their skin. It didn't help that they had little food left.

     'What are you going to do, me?' Sparky asked himself.

     'I don't know, me. I am stuck in here. They will probably be fine anyways.' Sparky glared at himself and shrugged.

     'They sure sound like they need help.'

     Sparky sat still in the dark two by two-room waiting for his friends to win so he could stop worrying. But that never happened. The constant fighting sound continued and Sparky's fears of what might happen started to scream in his face. Though no one was really yelling, Sparky covered his ears and tried not to listen.

     "They'll be fine!!" He shouted to himself. Then everything was quiet and even though he couldn't see what was going on, he was pretty sure what happened. "Herobrine.." Sparky had no idea why but when he imagined his enemy, his brother, who wanted to kill him, lying on the floor probably dead, a tear dropped from each eye.

     'Don't be sad about him!' He scolded himself. 'Herobrine is the one responsible for all of this.'

     'No.' He answered himself not wanting to think about what he was going to think next. 'I, am the one responsible for all of this...' Sparky rested his head on his knees as he remembered the dream that he later found out was a lost memory. The one of destruction and chaos. 'How can I forgive myself?..'

     'Who cares?! You still need to save your friends.' Sparky knew he was just talking to himself, but he was alone in that Bedrock prison and needed to think things through.

     The fighting continued and Sparky could hear his friends' swords hitting the mobs slower than before. They were really tired and starting to lose hope.

     'You are going to have to do something, me.' Sparky thought for a moment. He didn't want to take a chance and possibly hurt everyone, but there didn't seem to be another way.

     "Alright!" Sparky told himself. "Sometimes you just have to take a chance and hope for the best." With little hesitation, Sparksbrine stood up and pulled out his wooden pick-ax. He started swinging at the bedrock with determination. He slowly picked up speed the more he hit the indestructible block. Red particles started emitting from him, but this time he didn't stop, he kept swinging.

     The stranger was almost at the Bedrock when he heard a sound behind him. It sounded like a splash potion hitting the ground. He turned around and through the corner of his eye, he saw something purple standing next to Herobrine, who was still having trouble breathing. But as the man turned around to see what it was the figure vanished, leaving green particles where it had once stood. The thing the man did see though we're red potion bubbles floating off of Herobrine. Herobrine had been hit with a splash potion of healing and the man could see his bruises slowly fading away as he started breathing normally.

     "What?!" The man jumped back surprised. He would have to fight Herobrine, AGAIN!?! The man thought about what he should do. But then the potion effect wore off and Herobrine was still too weak to get up and fight. The man smiled knowing that Herobrine still couldn't do anything and he turned back around to see the Bedrock. However, he was not expecting what would happen next. 

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