Chapter 16

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"Derek!" the voice rang through his head. "Derek get up!" he heard the voice scream. Derek groaned, pushing himself up to a sitting position. He peeled his eyes open, spotting a frizzy head of blonde hair. Erica sighed in relief, removing her hands from his shoulders. "Thank God. I thought I lost you there for a second" Erica grinned, a wave of panic washing over him as he remembered what happened. 

"Peter's alive" Derek croaked, Erica's eyes going wide. "He used Lydia and I to bring himself back to life"  Derek felt sick at the member of his dead, burnt uncle rising from the floor boards. 

"Alright, that sucks" Erica breathed, running her hand through her hair. "One problem at a time, yeah?" she asked, knowing that the kanima and Matt were first priority. Derek nodded, staring at her in confusion, trying to figure out what she was doing there.

"What are you doing here?" he asked softly, knowing that she was originally supposed to be with the boys at the police station. The look of worry quickly returned to Erica's face as she took a deep breath.

"It's Emma. She had a vision. She thinks the boys are in trouble. She wants us to go to the station" Erica informed him, Derek jumping to his feet. He dusted himself off as Erica to got to her feet. 

"Then let's go" Derek nodded, the two of them heading off towards the station.


"So Matt, this kid, is the killer?" Sheriff asked in disbelief where he sat at his desk. Scott and Stiles nodded, sitting down on the couch. "Stiles, this is ridiculous. We should be going to the hospital to get you stitched up" his father groaned, eyeing the bandages nervously. 

"Dad, no. This is more important. Matt is the killer. He's going to strike again, and soon" Stiles explained, his father sighing heavily as he ran his hand over his face. 

"No way" he shook his head, Stiles and Scott sighing loudly in frustration as they rolled their eyes.

"Yes way!" Stiles insisted, getting to his feet as he tried to hide his wince. "He used Harris's car, so that when the police matched it and saw most of the victim's in his class, they would assume it's him. It's the perfect distraction!" Stiles tried to get his dad to realize what an evil mastermind Matt really was. Sheriff rubbed his head, blowing out a long breath.

"Fine. Let's say that there is some chance in hell that our killer is Matt. What's his motive?" Sheriff asked, Stiles sitting back down as he took a deep breath.

"We're not sure on that yet" Stiles admitted quietly, Sheriff throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. "C'mon Dad please! Emma-" Stiles bit his lip, preventing him from telling his father that Emma had seen Matt's mind and would soon let them know what the motive is. "is working on something. Let's just look at the hospital tapes. Yeah, look at the cameras and see if they saw him! Then that would place him at all the murder sites" Stiles grinned, Sheriff sighing as he reluctantly put the tape into the computer. 

Scott and Stiles moved behind Sheriff, watching the computer screen with him. "There he is!" Scott exclaimed, pointing to the screen as a hooded figure walked down the hallway. Sheriff looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"That could be anyone" Sheriff argued, earning an exaggerated eye roll from Stiles. 

"I sit behind him in Math. He has a very distinctive head and that is it" Stiles replied, crossing his arms over his chest. Sheriff stared at his son with a frustrated expression, opening his mouth to respond, Scott cutting him off. 

"There he is talking to my mom!" Scott pointed to the screen, his head filling with ideas. Sure enough Melissa stood talking to who they thought was Matt. Scott pulled out his phone, quickly dialing his mother. "Mom, did you see Matt the other day? At the hospital, did you see him?" Scott asked, Melissa sighing on the other end of the phone.

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