Chapter 26

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"See, both killed the same way" Melissa concluded, gesturing to the marks on the bodies' necks. Stiles stepped back from the table, shaken from seeing some innocent teenage boy and his child hood friend dead on a table. Melissa looked between Stiles and the girl before realizing her mistake. "I'm so sorry" she apologized, quickly covering her back up. "Did you know her?" Melissa asked as Stiles nodded with teary eyes. Melissa shifted awkwardly from foot to foot feeling bad for showing him.

"It's fine" Stiles finally managed to speak without crying. He wiped his nose with his sleeve, clearing his throat. "I know what this looks like" he turned to Melissa, his mind full of ideas. "The three fold death. It's used for ancient sacrifices" Stiles explained as Melissa took a step back.

"But what do they have in common to make them a target? Or are they just random?" Melissa asked curiously, seeing no obvious answer. Stiles shrugged his shoulders, running it through his mind.

'Virgins' a thought entered his head, a tired sigh escaping him. 

'I thought I told you to stay home and heal' he replied, his mind remaining silent. He turned to Melissa, having a feeling that Emma was, in fact, right about the pattern. "Virgins. These are definitely sacrifices" Stiles informed her as his heart sunk, his body flooding with fear. 

"Now what?" Melissa asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared down at the dead boy. What was to be done now in order to prevent another death? Sheriff walked into the room, startling the two.

"We find out who is sacrificing them" Sheriff answered, Stiles nodding as he tried to ignore the sensation of impending danger. He waved goodbye to his father, slipping out of the room where he was greeted by Emma who wrapped him in a hug, kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry" she apologized, feeling awful that he had lost his childhood friend. He just sighed, nodding as they began walking, hand in hand. "At least we're together" she hummed, Stiles' head tilting in confusion. "You you aren't a target for the sacrifices?" she smirked as a small grin appeared on Stiles' face.

"Nice, real classy" he teased with a laugh, a chuckle escaping Emma as she leaned into him, the two walking out of the hospital.


"Sacrifices?" Isaac asked in disbelief from where he sat on the couch. The pack gathered in the living room of their house, Isaac seated next to Emma. A worried look was clear on Isaac's face, his fear only being confirmed as Stiles nodded, pacing back and forth in front of the pack.

"All virgins" Emma sighed, rubbing her forehead which ached. Isaac paled at that extra detail, as he too was a virgin. 

Scott sat, running his hand through his hair as he thought. "What about that girl in the woods? That we saved the night that Boyd and Cora escaped? She said her girlfriend had gone missing. Did she live?" Scott asked hopefully, trying to find a break int he pattern. Stiles sighed as he sat down next to Emma, gazing sadly at Scott.

"Died the same way. Three fold death" Stiles informed them, Derek shooting up. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, quickly becoming over whelmed as it seemed the pack was facing two threats. The alpha pack and the whatever was sacrificing those people.

"Was she also a...?" Derek started, his voice trailing off as he felt uncomfortable talking about the whole subject. He glanced to Emma who nodded, confirming his suspicions.

"When we suspected that, we stopped by to see her girlfriend, who was still in the hospital. She informed us that she was indeed a virgin as well" Emma said solemnly, earning a tired sigh from Derek who sat back down in the arm chair, running his hand over his face.

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