Chapter 29

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"Where is Scott? He's going to miss the movie!" Isaac whined, stuffing more popcorn in his mouth. The pack sat on the couch, waiting to start their first weekly movie night. Stiles sat with his arm around Emma, Isaac next to him, Boyd and Lydia on the other couch with Allison curled up on the floor.

Derek walked in the room, hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" Emma asked curiously as Derek sat down next to her with a sigh. 

"Cora. I was just checking in on how she's doing now that she is going back to South Africa" Derek explained, Emma nodding with a small smile. "By the way someone kept trying to call. I think it might've been Scott" Derek added, a collective groan escaping the whole pack who shot him looks of frustration.

"That would've been nice to know" Emma snarked, snatching the phone out of his hand. She quickly dialed Scott's number, putting it on speaker."Scott? Where are you?" she asked when he picked up, the only answer being panicked breaths.

"It's Deaton. He's been taken" Scott informed them, Emma inhaling the scent of fear that instantly filled the room. Isaac winced, pressing closer to Stiles. Derek bit his lip, a pang of guilt in his stomach for missing his calls. 

Emma took a minute to process it, collecting herself. "Taken? Like sacrifice taken?" Emma clarified, an annoyed sigh coming from Scott on the other end.

"Obviously! What other kind of taken is there?" Scott snapped, sighing as he instantly regretted his words. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just really worried. I'm driving around looking for him but I have no idea where he is" Scott whined as Allison got to her feet, walking over towards the phone.

"Scott, I found a map on my father's desk the other day. Maybe it's worth investigating. He has been very secretive lately. He might know something" she suggested, a sigh of relief escaping Scott with the idea of a lead.

"Yeah sure, that sounds good. I'll meet you guys there" Scott said quickly. 

"Hey, Scott" Emma said, catching his attention before he could hang up. "We'll find him, okay?" Emma said, Scott nodding as he offered a quiet goodbye. Emma hung up, placing the phone down on the coffee table before rising to her feet.  

She took a deep breath, looking around at the faces of her pack, Derek not one of them. She glanced towards the kitchen, figuring he must've left the room. It didn't matter at the moment, for now they had to come up with a plan. "Okay Scott, Allison, Lydia and Stiles should go find Deaton" Emma instructed, Lydia's eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Why us?" Lydia asked, giving Emma the impression that she was a nagging mother. She sighed, closing her eyes as she felt the early signs of a headache.

"Because, you are the best thinkers, and there's no way Scott won't be involved" I told them, Lydia and Allison nodding in agreement. "And for the rest of us, we have other things we have to do" I said vaguely, glancing over at Boyd and Isaac.

Boyd and Isaac looked at each other with furrowed brows before turning back to her with confused eyes, unaware of this hidden agenda. "Now move! C'mon, we can't waste time" Emma clapped her hands, distracting from the hidden plan.

All at once the pack split up, everyone rising to their feet. Lydia and Allison went for the door as Stiles pressed a kiss against Emma's forehead with a quick goodbye before following after the two girls.

 Isaac and Boyd stood up slowly, walking towards Emma. Boyd crossed his arms over his chest, studying her closely. "So what are we doing exactly?" Boyd asked with a raised brow. 

Emma sighed, rubbing her forehead which only made the two more confused. "Protecting Derek" she said, turning around at the sound of Derek's feet clanking against the metal stairs of the spiral stair case. 

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