Caught Red Handed

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It was three months after the last mission. Three months after Liam's curse was finally broken.

Misaco was with Liam at his house. She was cleaning his wound. "Ow! Be...uh! Be gentle!" yelled Liam in pain. "Sorry, I was just making sure the treatment sinks into the wound properly. Okay, I'll try to be gentle...maybe," said Misaco as she continued. Liam growled then she said, "Okay fine I'll be gentle."

After cleaning the wound Misaco put a bandage on him and helped him sit up. "Looking at this wound scares me sometimes," confessed Misaco.

"How come?" asked Liam.

"You could've died and I would have that guilt over my shoulders. Or I could've received the blow and died leaving my son all alone and I don't know what he'd do," she explained.

"But I took the blow and I am still alive and well. And I'd do it a thousand times over my love. Cause I love you," smiled Liam.

"Pythor's probably still roaming around free and there's no telling when he will try to take me out," Misaco pointed out changing the topic.

"Then you should be ready at all times. Please go get my safe," said Liam.

Misaco went to fetch it then put it infront of him. Liam put his combination to open it.

Inside were three different coloured automatic pistols. A silver, a gold and a black gun.

"What do you need three guns for?" asked Misaco. "See, when you're rich you buy things for no bizarre reason even if you don't need it. But this one's yours," said Liam handing the black gun to Misco.

Misaco took it then kissed him and ended up laying on him. Liam immediately broke the kiss and yelled, "Ow! Get off, get off!"

"Oh sorry!" apologized Misaco. "Well look at the time, I have to go. I need to make lunch, Lloyd becomes a monster when he's hungry."

"And you're going to leave me alone?" asked Liam with puppy eyes.

"Liam you're not cute, that won't work," stated Misaco bluntly.

"I'm not cute?!" asked Liam pretending to be offended.

"No, you're handsome. I need to go now!" Misaco stated going to get her things.

"Why does it sound like Lloyd is your father instead of your son?"  asked Liam.

Misaco ignored him and said, "Bye." She kissed him on the cheek then left.

"Lloyd I'm home!" she called.

No answer.


She went upstairs to his room. When she walked in she saw a naked Dianna laying on top of a half naked Lloyd (they were covering don't worry).


They immediately broke the kiss and looked at Misaco.

"Mom... you're home!'s not what it looks like," said Lloyd hesitantly. "Um, Lloyd I think I should go...AAAAAH!!" Dianna said before screaming as Misaco shot the ceiling with the gun Liam gave her.

"SHUT UP!! Shut up or one of us isn't walkin' outta here alive!" yelled Misaco.

They remained silent.

"You are going to get dressed. In two minutes you better be done or I kill you! Dianna if you step into this house again! I swear you will leave as a corpse! Do I make myself clear?!" yelled Misaco pointing the gun at her. "Yes! Absolutely," said Dianna in fear.

Misaco pointed the gun at Lloyd and said, "Meet me in the study as soon as you're done!" Then she left.

Misaco was sitting in the study waiting for Lloyd. He walked in and saw the gun on the desk. Misaco turned and looked at him then said, "Did she know?"

"Know what exactly?" asked Lloyd confused.

"So you slept with her but she had no idea she slept with a fourteen year old," said Misaco as she got up from her seat.

"Correction, she seduced me," said Lloyd.

"The point is she had no idea she seduced a boy in his early teenage years!" yelled Misaco.

"When I said one of us isn't walkin' outta here alive, did you know who I was going to kill?" asked Misaco taking the gun off the desk that Lloyd didn't notice.

"Dianna," replied Lloyd almost whispering.

"Not even close," said Misaco pointing the gun at Lloyd's stomach and he still didn't notice. "I was going to kill you!"

Lloyd looked down at the gun in his stomach and said, "You wouldn't dare!" Misaco loaded the gun and said, "Oh oh you don't know me! So don't try me boy!"

Luckily Lisa walked in, took the gun away and said, "What are you doing?! Are you gonna kill your own son?!" "If he was really my son he wouldn't grow up to be a coward! So Lloyd, you choose tell her or leave!"

"Are you CRAZY?!" yelled Lloyd. "Lloyd! That is no way to speak to your mother!" said Lisa. "I don't care! She needs to get the fact that I am not a kid anymore through her thick skull!"


Lloyd left and she shut the door behind him. She sat by the door and burst into tears. "What has happened to my son?!" she cried. "It's okay, he's just growing up. You know how teenagers are basically controlled by their hormones," assured Lisa trying to comfort her.

"But he was never like this! I just want my son Lloyd Adams Garmadon back!!" cried Misaco. Lloyd was sitting on the floor on the other side of the door. He realised what he did and said, "What have I done?"


Hey peeps!
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it even though it was super DRAMATIC. Please vote and comment, find out what happens next in the next chapter, Death was on the Door.

Dafire A

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