Something's not right

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A week later

The ninja were at ATMs all over to catch Pythor's men in the act of ATM bombing while Misaco went looking for Pythor himself. As usual he was standing in top of a building watching his men do the work from above.

But...something was not right. He was not watching with full interest. There was something else going through his head.

(Misaco's POV)

I got to the top and there stood Pythor. I took out my dual swords. "Its you," he said. He turned and looked at me and I stood firm, ready to attack.

"So is this your plan? Wait for me to attack, and kill me?" I asked. He sighed, "I know what I want. But let me ask you...what do you want?" At that moment I was confused. Wondering if this was really Pythor.

"Is this a trick question?" I asked weirdly. "No, not at all," he stated. "You know what, I miss the Pythor that hated negotiating with me. What do you say we, stop with the talking and start with the fighting!" "Ok."

Our fight began and finally he was back to himself. Giving me no mercy. I hate it when guys go soft on me just like Wu did everyday in training. He pulled out a sword which looked familiar.

"Remember this?" he asked. "Tiberio used this to get rid of traitors. This is the sword your daddy used to get rid of people." We fought violently giving each other cuts and kicks.

He nearly stabbed my stomach but I stopped the blade with my swords and heard the clinging of our swords ring in my ears. All of a sudden I no longer have my swords in my hands. Now i had to risk a lot of bleeding from a lot of cuts.

Using my arms I blocked his attacks causing deep cuts in my arms, but using kicks to attack. He tripped me and was about to stab me but I used my hands to stop the blade from reaching my chest.

He pushed on, trying to get his sword's blade to reach my chest. And I faught on despite the fact my hands were now bleeding like hell. Then he all of a sudden stopped. I got up keeping my guard up for any attack.

He did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He dropped his sword and walked away. 'What's going on?' I thought. I attacked him from behind by trying to kick him but he spun and blocked my attack. "Don't make me hurt you." He dropped my leg and I lost balance and fell.

I got up and tried another attack but he pulled me close and stabbed an injection into my neck. Then everything went dark.

I woke up finding myself laying on a bed. I looked at my hands and they were covered in bandages. "You're up," Pythor said after walking into the room. "What do you want?!" I yelled. "Are your hands alright?" he asked. "Why do you care?!" I spat. He then left and I remained confused.

A while later

Two henchmen came and took me to Pythor's office where I was put on my knees. Pythor finished the last of the whiskey in the bottle and grabbed a sword. I knew exactly what he was going to do. Get rid of all his stress by killing me after enjoying a bottle of whiskey.

He raised his sword and I looked I to his eyes. He stared into my eyes as I tried to read his thoughts through his eyes. Pythor started shivering and breathing heavily. He swung his his sword back and when he was about to swing it to slice off my head he dropped the sword.

"What did you do to me?! I can't even give you a quick simple death!!" he screamed. TJ looked like he had enough, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. "Let's just get it over and done with!" ordered TJ. "NO!!!" yelled Pythor stepping in front of me taking the bullet in my place.

The person who has always wanted me dead just saved my life? Why? Why did he do it? Pythor hates me and I hate him. First he couldn't kill me, now he just took a bullet for me. What's going on?! Something's not right! And I don't like it!

Pythor fell and squeezed his thigh where he was shot. I felt incredibly lost. I had no idea what was going on. "TJ, HERE, NOW!!" TJ went on his knees in front of Pythor.

Pythor grabbed him by the shirt and said slowly through grinded teeth, "You are going to take Misaco home, if I find out she got a scratch from you. I will forget everything we have gone through together, forget that I consider you a brother, and I will kill you. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

"Yes boss."

TJ pulled me up and dragged me to the car then shoved me inside. He dropped me off down the road from my house and I walked the rest of the way. I walked into the house and found Liam sitting in at the dining table himself.

"Oh my soul! What happened to your arms?!" he asked rushing up to me. "Pythor happened. He then couldn't kill me, and then he took a bullet for me," I explained. Liam brought his glass of water to the living room and sat down with me.

"So he usually wants to kill you and now all of a sudden he doesn't want to, on top of that he saved your life? Wow!" Liam said removing the bandages around my arms. He used his water bending to heal my cuts then said, "All done!"


TJ got back to the warehouse and there Pythor was, waiting for him. "You couldn't kill her?" asked TJ.

"So? You're the one who disobeyed my orders! And you know better than anyone else that there are consequences for that!!" yelled Pythor angrily.

"Then why didn't you kill her? Huh? Why?! You had a perfect chance! Why didn't you use it!" questioned TJ.

"I have my reasons!"

"Oh right! You got reasons! Are you sure they're not excuses?"

"Don't question me Tyson!"

"I'm not questioning you, I'm simply finding the truth!"

"Get out. GET OUT TJ!!"

"OK, I'll leave. But I will find the truth. Or my name isn't Tyson Jackson!"

(Pythor's POV)

TJ left and I remained in the study alone. I couldn't kill her, I couldn't do it. I couldn't go against the feeling inside me. I had so many opportunities to kill her but I kept hesitating that's why she's still alive!

I know exactly why I hesitated. I know. I just need to make sure no one ever finds out. I will just remain as two people in one although it is not my favourite thing to do. I have to live as a man no one knows and a man who is half snake half human.

Why was I born to an anacondrai general? Why did I want my father's love when I already had my mother's? Why did I... The only way to end this, is to kill Misaco Garmadon.



I hope you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.
Pythor was behaving very starangly, what is the reason behind it? He says something about being "two people in one" what does this mean? Who else is he? What is he trying to end by killing Misaco?
Fine out what's next in the next chapter, A vacation in Key West


Ninjago love and betrayal Part 2Where stories live. Discover now