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"What is that wheelchair doing there?" asked Misaco.

Liam froze as Lloyd walked in.

"Huh? What is that wheelchair doing there?!" repeated Misaco. "Liam? Lloyd? Answer me!"

"Lloyd, you should be the one to tell her," said Liam.

"Lloyd?!" yelled Misaco. "Okay mom, please don't freak out... okay? You are paralyzed."

"I'm paralyzed?! You mean, I can't walk, I can't feel my legs? I can't get up? I'm stuck on this chair?!" said Misaco getting tears in her eyes.

Lloyd hugged his mother as she burst into tears in his arms saying, "No! It can't be! How will I walk? How will I be independent?! I have to walk! I've got to try!"

"No. Mom, you have to be patient. Please, do it for me. Please mom," said Lloyd holding his mother in comfort.

A while later

Misaco fell asleep after crying so much and Liam and Lloyd were downstairs.

"She's really afraid of not being able to walk," said Liam.

"Yeah, she's not going to be able to accept it any time soon. Her life is moving around freely and now she can't. This is probably her worst nightmare," explained Lloyd.

Liam finished preparing lunch while Lloyd was setting the dining table. Liam went upstairs to get Misaco. He walked in and saw her on the floor crying.

"Misaco? Misaco are you alright?" asked Liam worried.

"I can't feel my legs! I can't stand, and I can't walk! My life is over. I can't go on missions anymore. I can't put Pythor in his place! I can't do anything anymore!" cried Misaco.

"Shh, it's okay. But what can we do? You'll just have to adapt to this condition. I'll be here for you no matter what. I give you my word, I'll be right here by your side all day, everyday. Don't lose hope, I know you will walk again. You took care of me, now it's my turn to take care of you," said Liam.

"Thank you."

Over the few days that had gone by, Misaco was still having a hard time getting used to her new condition. When she woke up, Liam or Lloyd would get her out of bed and take her to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her best friend Lisa would help her bath and she would eat the breakfast Liam or Lloyd would make for her. Life wasn't the same for Misaco and she was not getting anywhere close to being patient.


Hey my beautiful people
I know short chapter, I'll try make it longer
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Find out what's next in the next chapter Misaco's Back!

Until next time
Dafire A

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