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Two weeks later

"I'm sorry Lloyd," Mark apologized. Lloyd glared at him then smiled, "Its good to have you back brother." They hugged each other then Lloyd said, "Come in man." Liam walked in and said, "Hello boys." "Hey Liam," Mark and Lloyd greeted at the same time. "Lloyd, where's your mother?" "She went to work," said Lloyd.

Just then Misaco walked in. "You're back already?" asked Lloyd. "I had a shorter shift today," sighed Misaco. "We'll be upatairs playing video games," said Lloyd. He ran upstairs saying, "First dibs on player 1!"

"Aren't you supposed to be busy on your album?" asked Misaco. "Yeah, I just needed to inform you that I'll have to go for a two days. My sister got into a bit of trouble so I am going to help her," said Liam. "Alright then. See you in two days," sighed Misaco. "I'm sorry," apologized Liam. Liam kissed her before leaving.

Misaco then went out into the yard and lay in the hammock. She stared up at the leaves of a tree swaying with the light breeze while memories flowed in her head.


Misaco was sitting under a tree just watching the smaller kids run and play around in the park with their parents. She then looked to her left and saw a teenage couple walking hand in hand with each other.

All she wanted was to be a normal 16 year old girl, with a mother who didn't keep so many secrets from her and a father who wasn't the world's most wanted criminal. She wanted to be normal.

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?" someone said sitting next to her. She looked to him and sighed, "I guess." "You know what I like to do on a day like this?" the young man asked. "What?" she asked. "I like to show off some abs," he smirked. Misaco couldn't help but to smile.

"Why is a young lady with such a beautiful smile so blue?" the young man asked Misaco. "I've got a lot on my mind," sighed Misaco. She looked into his eyes and saw something familiar about them. She slid her hand up his cheek and encountered scales.

"It's you."

End of Flashback

Misaco then fell asleep. She woke up to the sound of sirens going off. She looked around. She felt like she wasn't alone. "Lloyd?!" she called. She got up and walked around the house. Then standing across the street was Pythor. Their eyes met and then... Pythor ran off and Misaco chased after him.

Misaco chased him all the way to the park. She noticed he started slowing down so she speeded up until she got close enough to tackle him. She strangled him yelling, "What do you want?! Huh? Answer me!" Pythor pushed her aside before he ran out of air.

Pythor took out a tazer and got up ordering Misaco, "Step back!" Misaco put her hands up as a sign of surrender and when he got close she attacked taking the tazer away from him. Misaco then electricuted Pythor.


Pythor held his head while screaming. "Pythor, what are you doing?" "Uhh. My head... uhh..." Pythor then collapsed on the grass. Misaco was now confused.

(Misaco's POV)

Pythor then collapse on the grass. I walked around him and he was so still. "Pythor? Come on Pythor get up and be a man!" He still didn't move. I went on my knees beside him and shook him saying, "Pythor, come on get up! Pythor?" I was now very confused. 'What just happened?' I thought.

I turned him over. No sign of blood anywhere. He didn't look like he was breathing. I then started panicking. I didn't want to go to prison for killing someone in self-defence again. I got up and ran off wanting to look for help when I heard someone taking a loud deep breath.

Ninjago love and betrayal Part 2Where stories live. Discover now