Do you love me?

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Three months later

Lloyd and his friend Mark were walking out if the exam venue after a three hour maths exam. "That exam was so easy! How bout you Markey?" said Lloyd. "Dude, I'm just gonna say, are you right upstairs? Huh? Are you right in the head?" asked Mark knocking his forehead.

"It was easy!" exclaimed Lloyd. "It was flipping hard!!" yelled Mark. "It wasn't, I'm the one who can't think too hard and I say it's easy. You're the one who can think until your head explodes and you say it's hard?! You're not right upstairs!"

They walked towards the school gate as Mark said, "So your recovery is not fully complete?" "Yup." "And you didn't tell your mother why?" "I didn't want to worry her, she was having enough with her boyfriend so I didn't tell her," explained Lloyd. "Yeah but you should..."

Mark was interrupted by Lloyd who stopped him. "What is it?" "She's here? What's she doing here?" Lloyd mumbled to himself. Right next to the gate was Selina with headphones on jiving to heaven knows what. Mark finally saw who Lloyd was looking at.

"Damn she's cute," whispered Mark. "She's mine!" Lloyd said a bit too loud. Selina removed her headphones and as she waved said, "Lloyd!" Lloyd gave an awkward smile and waved back. "Dude! You gotta help me," said Lloyd shaking Mark.

"With what?" asked Mark coming out of his daydream. "I really like her," said Lloyd. "Isn't she Jay's daughter?" asked Mark. "Yes, I know I've known her all her life and she's only like eleven. I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!" Lloyd looked at Selina and waved knowing she heard what he said.

"She's beautiful, and I know someday she'll be almost as curvy as my mother," said Lloyd. "But your mom... she's too much. Every guy she walks past has to look at her," said Mark.


Lloyd turned and said, "What?!" He covered his mouth after seeing his mother. "Hi Mark," smiled Misaco. "Hi Mrs Garmadon, I guess I better go. See you tomorrow Lloyd," said Mark with a cheeky smile.

(Selina's POV)

We got to the gate of my dream high school. No offence to Ninjago High, but there is no competition there. Yes I love being number 1 but I need someone to compete with or else it'll be just a smart child trying to achieve better than her last results and that's just sad.

We got out of the car and dad said,"Nope, get back inside." "What! Why? This is my dream high school right before my eyes why can't I go inside?!" I asked. "Because you can't! Nya let's go," Dad said. "Jay, she is the one who will be attending this school, don't you think she should be the one coming?" asked Mom trying to hold back laughter.

"No! Let's go Nya. Let's not forget she's only turning eleven in December and next year she's going to high school, that ain't normal! So stay in the car!" Dad yelled through his grinded teeth.

I looked at him one more time before turning to the car. "Overprotective idiotic dad of mine," I whispered underneath my breath. Mom heard me and burst into laughter. "Nya!" "Coming love," she smiled.

I got into the car and when they were no longer in sight I got out. I wasn't gonna stay in that car and suffocate while the greenhouse effect takes place. I needed to look around. I walked into the gates and for some reason my need for adventure was overpowered by fear. I might have heard too much about high school boys and girls.

I had trouble in primary school with bullies and if the green ninja was bullied what makes me think I won't be. I just stood by the garden and put on my headphones to get lost in my music. I pressed play on my iPod and the first song playing, my favourite, Bring it back by Travis Porter.

Ninjago love and betrayal Part 2Where stories live. Discover now