A vacation in Key West

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A month later

Liam was in the kitchen teaching Lloyd how to make lasagne. "So now you put it in't the oven for about 45 minutes," instructed Liam.

Lloyd closed the oven and said, "I don't get why cooking the best food is so important." "Girls don't only like cute looking hot guys, like yourself, they also like guys that can cook," stated Liam.

"Heh, you're bluffing," Lloyd said while drying his hands. "Its true!" exclaimed Liam. Just then Misaco came running into the kitchen.

"Anything the matter?" asked Liam. "I'm late!" exclaimed Misaco taking an apple from the fridge. "For?" asked Lloyd. "A meeting. Bye," sighed Misaco in response before leaving.

There was an awkward silence for a while before Liam broke it saying, "Lloyd, as you know,your mother and I have been in a relationship for a while now. So I would like to now take things to the next step." "And...what is the next step?" questioned Lloyd.

"How would like that it be official that you are my son?"

"I don't get it."

"How would you feel if I said that I am your future stepfather?"

Late that night

"I'll be there in two weeks. Thank you Juan Markos. Bye." Liam hung up and looked up to see Misaco walk in.

"Hey honey," greeted Liam.

"Hi," sighed Misaco locking the door. "Where's Lloyd?"

"He's sleeping. You're home late," stated Liam.

"I know," sighed Misaco heading upstairs as Liam followed.

"You look like you could use a break. You haven't had a day off in two months," Liam pointed out.

"I know. I just need to solve this mystery at the museum. Not that I have to, but when I want something bad enough I'll do anything to get it. I still have a lot of research to do and I don't have time for a break," explained Misaco taking off her heels.

"You need a break, you need a vacation," said Liam firmly trying to give her an idea.

"Heh, vacation? I don't have time for that!" exclaimed Misaco hanging her blazer on a hanger.

Liam grabbed her by her waist and said, "Come with me to Key West." Misaco smiled then sighed, "I haven't been there in seven years. As much as I want to, I can't." "Why?" asked Liam sadly.

"We've both been working our buttocks off, we need a break. Come on! Just you and me, at the coast, I'll be showing off abs while you show off your summer body in a bikini," Liam said trying to persuade her. Misaco gave him a mean glare and he quickly said, "Ok no bikinis. But we need this. Please." "Fine."

Three days later

"Welcome to Key West," Liam said handing Misaco a glass of wine. "Its good to be back," smiled Misaco. After lunch they went for a walk on the beach. "Tomorrow we should come here for a swim," stated Liam as they walked. Misaco didn't say anything.

"Do you know how to swim?" Misaco stopped walking and said, "Are you serious?! Just because I don't swim doesn't mean I don't know how to!!" "Okay, geez. Chill, you don't have to..." Just then they heard a scream.

Misaco looked up to see a little girl drowning with tides causing her to drift further and further away. Misaco immediately got into the water and swam out to save the girl while lifeguards finally quit slacking off to do their job.

When Misaco got back to Liam, Liam clapped his hands for her saying, "Wow. Impressive, I really don't get why you don't like swimming." "Let's not go there," Misaco said breathlessly.

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