Finding Baby Brother

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Misaco came downstairs after taking a two hour bath and getting into warm clothing. "Mom, I made lunch!" smiled Lloyd. "What did you make?" asked Misaco sitting on the couch. "I made spaghetti and mince," Lloyd said proudly.

Misaco gulped and said, "Isn't that what you made for me last year for mother's day?" "Yes, but don't worry, Liam taught me a new recipe for spaghetti and mince which is way better!" said Lloyd.

Misaco took the fork and looked at her son who had a hopeful smile on his face. Misaco put some spaghetti in her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. Then she smiled and said, "This is the best spaghetti and mince you've ever cooked!" "Thanks," smiled Lloyd.

"This reminds me of old times. My mother used to make the best spaghetti and mince for my brother and I. We loved it, he would get all playful while he was eating. We'd sometimes steal each other's spaghetti," said Misaco. She sighed and said, "Good times."

"Unfortunately he had to die," said Lloyd. "When I was in prison, TJ came and told me that my brother's alive and the person that died in his place was his best frined Owen," explained Misaco. "So your brother's alive?" asked Lloyd. "Yeah."

"I want to find him but I have no idea where to start. But I guess that'll have to wait," said Misaco. "Why?!" yelled Lloyd. "I have other things to do, I need to take care of you, get over fact if I found him that would be putting his life in danger, you know how Pythor is," explained Misaco. "Yeah, I guess you're right," said Lloyd.

The next day

(Lloyd's POV)

RIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGG! The bell rang to indicate the end of the school day. Well, the end of the day for everyone who didn't have AP Maths to go to.

Liam made me do Advanced something Maths. Why should I, the grade 10 number two in academics, be doing basically grade 12 maths. At least it's the only thing I am allowed to fail.

I walked into class and stood at my table. Mr Lewis walked in and said, "Good afternoon class." I didn't quite feel like I was in the mood to learn maths. I had learned enough for one day, I was going to try and get kicked out of class.

So I didn't greet, I turned and faced the back as I typed of my phone. I heard him clear his voice and say, "Mr Garmadon." I turned and said with a sly smirk, "Oh, good afternoon sir." I sat down as he gave me a mean glare.

"I did not say you could take your seat, so as a result you will remain standing Mr Garmadon." I stood up and crossed my arms. "At the back!" he growled annoyed. I went to the back and he started with his lesson.

Mark look at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes and he whispered, "The poor guy." "I wanna get outta here," I whispered. Mr Lewis turned and said, "Mr Garmadon! First you won't greet now you are disrupting my lesson! I've had it, get out!" "Okay," I said. I packed my bag and left with all the pleasure on earth.

But then I had to wait for 45 minutes for Liam. I got into his car and he said, "How was maths?" "Uhh... fine but boring as usual," I said. "What were you taught?" asked Liam. "Umm... we were uhh..." 'BUSTED!!' I thought.

"What did you do?" asked Liam. "Nothing," I said acting innocent. He looked at me and I said, "OK! I got myself kicked out of class!" Liam sighed and said, "Never think you can lie to me and get away with it." "What makes you so sure?" I asked.

"I know you, I was once like you. I know you hate AP Maths but it helps, right now you are getting 80's  for maths, if you took AP Maths in grade eight this year's maths would be easy for you. Especially Maths Core," explained Liam.

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