Getting Liam back

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The next day

Misaco went to Liam's house. She walked into the dark living room and called for him.

"Liam! It's me, I have something important to tell you!"

She went to the kitchen and on the floor was a broken bottle with a clear liquid all over. Stuck on a wall beside her was a note. She took it and read it.

If you want to find your love, you need to make things as clear as a lamp light and as simple as a diamond ring.

She turned the page over and dropped it in shock while saying, "Pythor."


(Pythor's POV)

I punched Liam after he spat at my expensive shoes. I pulled him by the hair and said, "Listen here Gerado. You are not going to make it out of here alive if you don't tell me where Misaco hides the Master of Lighting Scroll!! Now, TELL ME WHERE IT IS!!"

"I prefer to die!" spat Liam.

"TJ bring three buckets of water and a sack!" I ordered.

A moment later TJ came with a bucket and sack with a henchman following with two buckets of water. I took the sack and put it over Liam's head and TJ poured a bucket of water on his head.

I removed the sack and Liam breathed heavily out of breath. "Are you gonna speak now?" I asked pulling his hair. "Never!" he coughed out. I put the sack over his head again and threw a bucket of water on his head. I removed the sack and he coughed out water.

"Tell me."

"She...she said something about, how a storm will come. I don't know. She said that it comes with the storm. That's all she told me," explained Liam breathlessly.

"LIAR!!" I yelled.

I picked up the wet sack from the floor as he cried, "I swear! That's all she told me!! Please, I...I...I SWEAR!!! I..."

I ignored his pleas and cover his face with the sack as he continued trying to beg. I grabbed a bucket from TJ and slowly poured the water on his head. When I removed the sack he was unconscious.

I sighed and ordered the henchman to take the buckets and sack away. "What we gonna do now boss?" asked TJ.

"It comes with the storm?" I said to myself.


Misaco went upstairs to Liam's room. She switched on the side lamp and the light was shining on the black box her engagement ring was in. She opened the box and inside was a note which said,

"Follow the instructions said in the song Grenade by Bruno Mars."

The next day

Misaco was sitting on the couch searching for the lyrics of Grenade. She hardly remembered the lyrics so she decided to search for them.

She read the lyrics over and over again, not knowing which advice she should take and which she should leave. And with the help of Lloyd and Lisa, she was getting nowhere.

"No! I mean how do you throw your head on a plane?" exclaimed Lisa. "Look, I don't know, ok?" Misaco said annoyed.

"Woh, woh, woh, doesn't the music video take place on a railway?" asked Lloyd. "Yeah, but I don't see how that..." Lisa was interrupted by Misaco who said, "That's it! To the train station!"

Misaco and Lisa went to the train station. They looked around for anything out of the ordinary. "I see nothing!" complained Lisa. Misaco walked up to the platform and read a part of the lyrics again.

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