The Cobra II

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Liam blinked in disbelief. He dropped the sheet of paper in his hand and let the thoughts race in his head. Finally he reacted by picking up his phone and sending a text message to Misaco.

I'll be there in a few minutes.

He went downstairs grabbed his car keys and left for Misaco's house. He arrived and was about to knock on the door when Misaco opened it from the other side.

"We need to talk," they both said at the same time.

Misaco let Liam inside and they sat down at the dining table. "You go first," Liam offered.

(Liam's POV)

Misaco tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I had received a letter, it was left in the study, it threatened me warning me not to be with you. It was from someone called the Cobra," she explained.

"Funny story is a got a letter from the same person threatening me as well," I added.

"But do you have any idea who the Cobra really is?" Nya asked me as she took a seat next to Misaco.

"I know exactly who she is," I stated pulling out a folded sheet of paper from my pocket. Lisa came and sat next to me as I unfolded the paper.

I lay it on the table and Nya enquired in confusion, "Lisa?"

"Oh HELL NO!!" Lisa argued.

"No, my ex wife, the world's most wanted criminal, Sharlotte Sandervol," I stated bitterly.

Misaco picked up the wanted poster and said, "Wait...I've seen this tattoo before..." She stared for a moment before concluding, "Lisa has the exact same one."

All our eyes went to Lisa who lifted her hands up in defence, "That ain't me."

"Show us your shoulder," Nya requested.


"Just do it," Misaco ordered losing her patience.

Lisa took off her jacket remaining with her white vest and got up. She faced the wall. On her right shoulder was a tattoo of a cobra.

I got up and walked up to her. I lay my hand on her shoulder where the tattoo was and examined it.

It looked so familiar...almost identical to the one of my ex.

"I-it looks...identical," I stated in realisation as I removed my hand from her shoulder. Lisa turned around and faced me.

"That's because we share a father. I hate her, with all my heart and soul and would do anything to get rid of her. Our father made us get the exact same tattoo in the exact same place. So people are always accusing me of being her," Lisa explained.

"Well then, we have to find the Cobra and stop her from achieving her goal," Nya stated.

"No," Misaco said, "that's not necessary." She got up from her seat and walked up to me until she was just four feet away from me. "The Cobra wasted her time writing that letter. We were never gonna get back together anyways," she stated staring into my eyes.

I opened my mouth to argue but no words escaped. I kept my silence. I stared at the floor as the familiar pain I had been trying to avoid returned and took over my heart.

"Liam and I are done. For good," Misaco finished.

I shook my head in disagreement.

Ninjago love and betrayal Part 2Where stories live. Discover now