Matt Craiger

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Hey guys,
Just letting y'all know there's two parts to this although they won't be directly after each other
This is where The story gets very interesting so keep reading 👍
Until later

The next day


Misaco picked up her phone and said, "Hello?"

"Hi, it's Dr Chris, did I call at a bad time?"

"No, no, no, it's alright doctor, speak to me," said Misaco sleepily.

"Right, Lloyd is really doing well and wants to go home. Because his healing progress is improving everyday, I will be discharging him tomorrow," said Dr Chris.

"That's great news doctor, thank you for letting me know," said Misaco.

"It is a pleasure. Bye."


Biep, biep, biep.

Misaco sat up and sighed, "I wake up without you by my side."

She lay back down and stared at the ceiling. Just then someone walked in.

"I'm back," she heard her best friend say. "I made breakfast! Your favourite, pancakes with loads of chocolate syrup," smiled Lisa putting a tray down.

"I'm not hungry Lisa," said Misaco in a depressing tone.

"Come on! You have to eat! I ain't gonna eat this for you. Plus I hate so much syrup on my pancakes," encoraged Lisa.

"Lisa, that only used to cheer me up when I had issues with my mother, not when I had a broken heart because of another man," said Misaco as tears ran down her cheeks.

"You know what I would do? Find another man! There are many who always take a good look at you when you walk down the streets!" said Lisa.

"But not many with a heart of gold. Not many who can take another man's son as his own," stated Misaco wiping the tears that continuously ran down her cheeks. She sat up and Lisa hugged her.


(Liam's POV)

I woke up and tried to sit up. My head was about to explode. I lay back down and moaned at the pain on the left side of my head. I took a look a myself and realised I was naked.

I quickly got out of bed and put on my underwear and pants. I looked around and wondered, "What happened last night?" I saw a note on my side table. I took at and it said;

I really enjoyed last night, I hope to see you again soon. It was great to experience that passion with you again after so many years. I'll see you around handsome.


I looked at it in confusion. "Who's S.S.?" I asked myself. I went downstairs and looked for any clue.

In the kitchen was prepared breakfast. Perfect toast with eggs and bacon with fresh lemonade. "My favourite... but no one knows... not even Misaco, the only person who knew was my sister Sarah," I said to myself.

Later that afternoon

(Misaco's POV)

I was wandering around town as the words Liam said last night echoed in my head.


Ninjago love and betrayal Part 2Where stories live. Discover now