Matt Craiger II

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The next morning

(Matt's POV)

I woke up and felt a hand rub up and down my chest. "Morning Boss lady," I said. She opened her eyes and said, "How did I get in bed with you?!" "Craiger magic, just joking, I am very seductive. No woman has ever rejected me. I'm irresistible," I said.

She got out of bed and quickly got dressed. "Never again!" she yelled. "Okay, bye," I smiled cheekily. "You better bring me that video!" she said before leaving.

I went to take a shower and then ate breakfast. Just then there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and there stood Misaco.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hello handsome," she said walking in. "What you doing?" she asked.

"Enjoying breakfast," I said sitting at the kitchen counter. "So how's life? Anything interesting?" I asked.

"Liam found my younger brother yesterday," she said. "That explains your bright mood," I said.

She remained silent for a moment before saying, "What are you trying to say?" "I meant, you're in a brighter mood than usual," I said slowly.

"So you're trying to say my normal mood is sad and gloomy?" she asked sounding offended. "No, no, no, no! I mean, you're always in a good mood and it seems today you're in a great mood!" I said quickly.

"Okay, I believe you." After I finished my breakfast we sat together in the living room. She switched on the tv and said, "What day is it?" "Tuesday," I said answering her question.

"Uhh, there's never anything to watch on a Tuesday morning," she groaned switching the tv off. "Lets play a game," I smiled . I went upstairs and took a whip.

I went up to her and showed her the whip. "Oh, oh..." she smiled. "Who do you want to play as, the slave or the master?" I asked. "Slave," she said. "Really? Okay, so you want to be taught a lesson. I'll teach with pleasure," I said seductively while taking off my shirt.

She took off her jacket and her t-shirt and remained with her bra. I she got on her hands and knees and gave me a sexy growl. I went up to her and whipped her ass. She growled louder. I whipped her again and said, "Take off everything."

She took off her shoes, socks and jeans and remained in her underwear. She lay on the couch in a sexy position looking like a vixen.

"Your wish is my command," she said. I licked my lips, went up to her and said, "Undress me." Then I whipped her ass harder. "Uh! You son of a..." She pulled me by the neck and kissed me.

Just then there was knock on the door. I got up and quickly put the whip under the couch. "Who is it?" whispered Misaco. "Just get dressed!" I whisper yelled. I went to the door and opened it.


"Hey, Hannah...what are you doing here?" I said pretending to be happy as she gave me a hug. Misaco came and said, "Who is it?" I broke the hug and said, "Misaco, this is my daughter Hannah. Hannah, this is my lo ...girlfriend! Misaco." "It's nice to meet you," they each said giving each other a handshake.


Liam and Lloyd were playing video games. Lloyd lost and because they made a bet he had give Liam 50 bucks, all of his savings gone. "Ha ha! Thank you, that just proves the student has become to master!" exclaimed Liam. "Whatever," said Lloyd in a depressing tone.

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