Another broken heart

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A week later

Liam and Misaco were cuddling together in bed. "Enjoyed Key West?" asked Liam. "Honestly, I wish I could go back," said Misaco rubbing his chest.

"I could strip you of your clothing again and we could go from there," suggested Liam. "Oh no! I've had enough for the month," exclaimed Misaco.

"What would you say if I got another tattoo?" Misaco sat up and yelled, "Another one?! No!" "Why? You like the tattoo on my shoulder," said Liam.

"Oh just shut up, forget it, and sleep!" ordered Misaco. "Ok, good night."

Later that night

Misaco walked into the chapel and there Garmadon stood, axe in hand. "You swore, even if I died, you would never get married. To make things worse, you're marrying my best friend?! I can't let this happen!" Garmadon yelled.

He threw the axe and Liam stood in between them. He turned and faced Misaco with the axe stuck in the centre of his chest then said, "I love you."

Misaco woke up from her nightmare screaming. Liam who lay beside her woke up saying, "What's wrong?"

Misaco burst into tears saying, "I don't want you to die Liam! I don't want to lose you before we get our chance to be happy. I've been having these dreams lately and... i have a feeling one of them will come true. I have a feeling I'm going to lose you."

"Shh, it's okay, shh, it's going to fine. I will protect you, no matter what," Liam said as he held her in his arms.

"But that's the problem! I don't want you to die protecting me!" Misaco burst out breaking the hug.

"But that's why I'm here, to love and protect you, even if it means sacrificing my life." Liam stated firmly.

Misaco got out of bed and went downstairs. Liam sighed and thought to himself, "What's going on with Misaco? She's been so emotional lately."

A while later Liam was laying in bed staring at the ceiling when Misaco walked in. Misaco got into bed and lay facing the cupboard. Liam tried wrapping his arm around her but she refused saying, "Please don't touch me. Let me be."

Three weeks later

Misaco was at the mall by herself, doing shopping to forget her stress. She then bumped into Nya. "Hi Misaco," Nya greeted cheerfully. "Hi Nya," Misaco greeted back.

"How's life? Oh, and I heard Liam proposed! Congratulations!" exclaimed Nya.

"Thanks," Misaco smiled weakly.

"You seem down. What's going on?" pointed out Nya.

Misaco sighed and slid her hair back saying, "Ever since we got back from Key West, Liam and I started talking and imaging what our wedding day would be like but every night I'd have nightmares where someone would try to stop us by killing him."

"Oh my word, that's a really bad sign. That could mean that you aren't supposed to marry him!" gasped Nya.

"I know. I was arguing with myself last night, asking if I should, ignore these signs and go ahead, or abide by them and let him go," Misaco explained with brokenness and pain in her voice.

Nya hugged her and said, "I'm sorry Misaco." Misaco broke the hug as Nya said, "Do know what I would do? I would go ahead and marry him. I know you love him that much. Don't blow your last chance to be happy even if it lasts only a day."

Misaco was still unsure, she didn't know if she should take the risk.

"Misaco, just know, I would have really loved to see you get married to Liam," Nya said. "Well, I have to go."

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