Chapter 3

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A.I. Industries: Gymnasium

    "Attention all personnel. Next stage of testing will now commence. All personnel stand clear of the temporary firing range. Next group of amborgs, ready for ballistics testing please."

    The gymnasium had been retrofitted for many different uses. The vast room was being used to conduct experiments and physical exercises for the day. Almost all of the amborgs were undergoing multiple tests with their technicians on hand who were evaluating their performance. Practice dummies and sparring bots stood in various spots while a large shooting range occupied one corner. However, instead of dummies or paper targets, the people firing weapons were shooting the amborgs. Mandy walked with 117 to one of the shooting stands with an annoyed look on her face. The sight of watching security troops and military inspectors shooting at unarmed people for test results was simply not what she called a good day.

    "It's sick what they do to you in order to get results," she pouted as she moved out of the way to let 117 walk down range so he could position himself, "Why on earth do they have to shoot so many firearms at you? I get that all of you are willing to do this but it feels like assisted suicide..."

    "Do not be alarmed Ms..."

    117 turned his head and saw her glaring at him.

    "...Mandy," he quickly corrected. His voice spoke calmly out of her bracelet. "An amborg's exo-skeletal structure is designed to withstand every known weapon in existence from a standard firearm minus a superheated concentrated blast or tactical nuclear explosion. Bombs are also unknown since testing is not the advisable option. It is highly improbable that I will be destroyed from a simple ballistics test."

    "You know that's not what I mean David," Mandy called out to him in annoyance as the soldier next to her fired a round from a nine millimeter pistol. The bullet struck 117 right in the forehead but nothing happened. "That's loud..."

    She had covered her ears just in time as the sound went off. Even though there were other guns being fired on the makeshift shooting range, it was too loud for her ears when she stood too close. Mandy looked down the line and saw all the amborgs obediently standing still as bullets plastered them. It wasn't a shooting range, it looked more like a gallery at a carnival.

    "I mean from where I'm standing," Mandy called out to 117 and lowered her fingers, "All I can see is a six foot unarmed human being getting shot at repeatedly. That just seems wrong!"

    "But I am not human Mandy," 117 replied. "I am an amborg and I still am confused how this is still making you feel angry."

    This didn't make Mandy feel better at all. She stared at him and made sure he could see her expression clearly.

    "I know you are an amborg," she snapped. "But from my own eyes you should be aware that I have concerns about this. You should be able to at least understand the ethical implications and morals currently in place right now. Also you should... HEY!! What do you think you're doing with that?!"

    She was now staring hard at the soldier who had just shot at 117. He had switched weapons and had jumped from a small handgun to a really huge rifle. Taken aback, he clenched the fifty caliber sniper rifle and looked from her to 117.

    "Following the proper testing procedures miss," he said nervously as he turned to look at Mandy again. "All amborgs need to be tested if they can withstand even our most powerful guns. Those are my orders."

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