Chapter 23

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Roughly half an hour later

Enemy Warehouse Perimeter

    ("To be accurate, shouldn't it say above the perimeter?")

    ("Hush, Sarah. Keep watching.")


    "On my mark, disable all power transfers to the Arrows."

    "I hope the enemy appreciates the gift we are going to deliver."

    Palmer peeped over a wall slab while listening to the radio. The amborgs were planning something huge and it was happening any second. Except, he couldn't see anything remotely resembling a miracle. He swore when one of the enemy drones spotted him and a couple of enemy soldiers began firing at him. Ducking down, he leaned against the wall as bullets hammered behind him. He crawled away from the slab of cover and moved into another crater. Oh I hope the plan happens right about now, he prayed silently as he tried to be as still as possible.

    "Well well well," a voice from above spoke tauntingly.

    "My men sure don't have that amount of sass," Palmer muttered.

    He was right when he looked up and saw a drone and a thug stare down at him. He had been caught again. One of his soldiers wouldn't dare talk to him like that.

    Palmer watched the drone and the soldier point their guns at him and prepared for the worst. This time, he chose not to close his eyes. He wanted to look his enemy in the eye before he went. However, the death he pictured didn't come. Instead, a shadow appeared behind the gangster and the drones. Palmer looked up and saw something large flying... no, falling towards the three of them. By the time they realized a shadow was enveloping overhead, it was too late.

    A large crash occurred which made Palmer fall back in terror. There seemed to be a lot of stuff falling everywhere. The place where the drones and the soldier stood was replaced by a large UAV drone. Palmer stared, in utter shock at the old piece of equipment that had just saved his life. These types of drones were supposed to be out of commission. Where had it come from? Before he could so much as open his mouth, he looked up and saw something amazing.

    "How do you like the gift?" a robotic voice asked.

    "Yikes! That's pretty scary."

    Without taking his eyes off the sky, Palmer barely uttered the words.

    Over a hundred different heavy objects were falling from the sky and landing towards the enemy warehouse. He heard the chaotic beeps and roars coming from the enemy position as pieces of rubble and assorted pieces of everything were making contact. A giant ensemble of booms, crashes, and thuds mixed with screams that filled the air from the fortified warehouse.

    "Since when can amborgs not predict the weather?" 3 said clapping her hands happily at the sight of their garbage artillery barrage, "I predict a massive downpour of train in about three seconds."

    "Train?" Palmer turned and scanned the skies. "You guys didn't..."

    She couldn't mean what he thought she meant. He stared and raised both of his eyebrows at Amborg 3 who was pointing a finger upward, gesturing for him to look in the right direction.

    "Well you don't want to miss this part of the show, do you?"

    Turning around quickly and staring upward, Palmer's mouth dropped again as a freight car fell and crushed some enemy drones at the perimeter of the enemy fortress. At least five or six more cars also fell and landed, either on the warehouse or on the enemy position. It created complete pandemonium.

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