Chapter 24

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    "Ok that was four rights, two lefts, and another right. And then one more left."

    "Stop trying to map this place 917. We know we are on the third floor... At least I still hope so. But every time we try remembering the way, it is not the same and we go back down one floor with every screw up."

    "The maze is bound to give soon. But yes, this is really unfair. How long have we been at this?"

    "Two hours and twenty-six minutes according to my clock. Hey 917. Look! A door."

    917 and 999 opened the door and stepped through. The instant they did, the door slammed shut behind them as expected. Turning around sharply, 917 instantly grabbed the door handle, turned and pulled as hard as he could. It was stuck.

    "Great..." he muttered angrily while 999 looked around. "Another newly discovered dead end... now we are currently stuck. Time to go back to the second floor."

    "Maybe not," she replied urging him to let go of the handle, "We haven't fallen yet. Maybe we're on the right track now."

    She pointed and 917 realized that there was a hallway. It wasn't a dead end after all.

    "Shall we?" 917 muttered as he released the door handle and the two of them began walking down the hallway. "This will be one for the history books. You ever wonder how bad guys design these sorts of places under our very noses?"

    As they continued, the hallway became narrower and narrower causing them to turn and sidle through. They wondered what would come next.

    "There is no communication from anyone on the outside."

    "917, in our current state, please worry about the fact that... urgh... it's getting much more difficult to squeeze through..."

    "I was only trying to make conversation... supposedly it is good for passing time."

    "Well if you want to talk, try talking about something other than the obvious."

    "What do you suggest dear sister?"

    "Ok buster," 999 stopped and turned her head to look back at him. "When this is over, you bring two cans of ice cream, spoons, and we hunker down in the cafeteria for a few hours."

    917 stared.

    "That is not a very common request coming from you," he replied.

    "I'm tired alright? Damn. I'm saying stuff I don't normally say."

    917 bumped into her. She was apparently moving much slower now. 999 turned to give him an annoyed look before continuing.

    "You wouldn't believe the stuff I have been saying to people these last couple days," she said. "It's almost like someone intoxicated me and now I am drunk with vulnerabilities."

    "Asides from how much I want to decipher whatever that means," 917 said. "There is one important thing we need to clear the air about."


    "You like ice cream?"

    "Of course I like ice cream!" 999 snapped. "I'm lactose intolerant but I eat it because it's great! What is so surprising about that?"

    "But the last time we had ice cream," 917 replied thoughtfully. "You turned it down when I offered you a scoop."

    "I'm perfectly capable of getting my own," 999 sighed. "I believe I said that at the time too."

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