Chapter One

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LiYun had always heard the tales about the white fox that lived in the Xianyu Cave of the Bamboo Forest. He even went out looking for it. He had always thought it was a female fox, but never in his thousand years of life did he imagine that the fox he had heard about and went looking for would be a male. LiYun sighed as he laid on the floor of The White Dragon.

The White Dragon was opened by LiYun and Jing about five years ago. LiYun loved learning all the different martial arts from all the old Masters throughout time. His favorite was his very first Master, Master Fu, when he was just ten years old. LiYun sat up looking around the room. Master Fu would have loved this school. It was not only teaching the old ways, but the old principles and everything. This was LiYun's way of keeping his Teacher with him always.

Kong and Jing were pushing each other around and laughing when they walked through the door. Jing saw the look LiYun had on his face. He held Kong back and pointed.

''It's bothering him more than we thought'' Jing said, crossing his arms.

''Yeah, dude is like spacing out and shit'' Kong said rubbing the back of his head.

''What are we going to do with him'' Jing said letting out a sigh, but before he knew it Kong had ran at LiYun who's back was at him.

Kong smiled and ran right at LiYun only to have LiYun roll out of the way onto his feet. He grabbed the back of Kong's shirt and threw him onto the mat. LiYun looked down at him and smirked at him.

''Even when lost in thought, do you really think you can sneak up on me'' he leaned down and patted Kong's cheek. ''You, my little Wolf, still have more to learn.'' He held his hand out to help him up.

Kong laughed and took his hand ''Yes, Master'' LiYun pulled him up and patted his back.

Jing looked at LiYun and walked over to him ''What are you planning on doing'' he asked.

LiYun turned and looked at him ''I don't know'' he said softly. He walked over to the bench that was on the wall and sat down ''Things are different now.''

''Just because it turned out to be a male and not a female'' Jing said walking over and stood in front of him.

''Yeah'' LiYun hissed ''If it was a female, I would be able to charm her, but with a male I don't know what to do.''

''What was told of this fox in the story anyways'' Kong asked sitting on the floor.

LiYun knew it by heart. Word for word. He remembered the tale his mother once told him as a bedtime story. When he was three, he had asked if the story was true. He remembered his mother telling him 'Legends were once stories and stories come from true events.' Meaning there could be some truth to the story she told him.

LiYun looked at both Kong and Jing who looked back at him ''The story tells of a white fox that was once loved by all Gods and humans alike. The fox was so loved that even the Jade Emperor himself wanted the fox. The fox refused the Jade Emperor saying it would never belong to just one, that it belonged to all. The fox was so kind and sweet that it would do anything for anyone, Human or God alike.'' LiYun got up and walked over to the window looking out at the town giving a soft sigh ''The fox once visited a village of humans. The village knew nothing of the fox or what it meant. To them seeing such a thing meant bad luck. The villagers threw things at it and the kids tossed it around and seriously injured it. The Jade Emperor felt bad for the fox and erased its memories giving it a new life in the forest. The one memory he had left was that of the village and how he hated humans.''

LiYun balled up his fits and punched the wall. Just the thought of what the fox went through hurt him more than he could bear. There was a secret Kong and Jing didn't know. LiYun once remembered his mother telling him that the fox once came to see LiYun when he was born. The fox blessed him with a strong heart and with long lasting love with his one true soulmate.

Kong wanted to hear more ''So, what happened next?''

LiYun turned and looked at him with a smile ''The Jade Emperor left the fox in the Bamboo Forest to guard it. Yet, he did something so cruel. Not only did he take away most of his memories of his kindness to humans, but he took away the memories of the time he spent with the Gods. He doesn't know who or what he is. Just his name. They say that if anyone could find the fox and bring it back to the God world then it's memories will come back and they would be granted to marry the fox.''

That was the part that started to bug him. The fox was a male and so was he. How could he marry another guy? Kong covered his mouth trying not to laugh, but it didn't last long.

Jing ignored Kong ''So, if we can find him again and bring him back to the God world wouldn't that be a good thing'' he asked LiYun

''You would think. If he remembers that he was once one of the most respected God by both humans and Gods alike, then remembers what the humans did to him, don't you think he would want to take revenge on humans.'' LiYun crossed his arms and looked out the window again. ''I love living among them, but they disrespected and hurt a God who gave them nothing but kindness and love. How would you feel if it was you'' He turned a bit to look at Jing.

''I would punish the families of those that hurt me'' Jing said.

Kong stopped laughing and looked down ''They deserve more than that'' he said softly ''Nightmares, torture, pain and loveless is what they should have.''

LiYun looked at Kong ''You would know the best how he would feel if he remembered anything.''

Kong looked up and nodded. If not for LiYun he would be dead for sure. Kong had gone through the same thing the fox did. Unlike most of the Gods, Kong was born of humans. The village he lived in use to call him bad luck and the devil. It's not like he asked to be born this way. LiYun called it a gift from the Gods. It seemed Kong's mother went to The Temple of The Gods to ask them to save her child.

It seemed the Jade Emperor saw the child's fate if it was to live and choose to give the child. Not only did Kong live, but he was given immortality and he was able to change into a Wolf when he chose. A gift? More like a curse, Kong thought. The more he thought about it the more he felt sorry for the fox.

''I'm glad he doesn't have to remember it or even worry about it'' Kong said looking up at them ''Maybe it's best to just leave him alone. Let him stay there. It's not like the Jade Emperor wants him back anytime soon.''

Kong was right and they both knew it. This was just LiYun's dream to find the fox and he did. Yet, something inside of LiYun made him want to go looking for him again. He didn't know why.

For two years, LiYun went back to look for the fox, but he could never find either the cave nor the fox. He would stand at the falls for hours in hope to see him, but he never even saw a glimpse of him. Did the fox know that he was there and choose to hide from him? LiYun didn't know, but he knew that one day he would see him again but for now he would leave the fox alone.

On his last trip to the forest, he stood at the falls and placed a note with a small basket of fruits on the bank of the pool. He looked up at the top of the falls.

''This is the last time I will be coming here'' he said in hopes the fox was listening ''If you ever want to come find me, I left a note here for you letting you know where.'' He looked around and gave a sigh as he turned and walked away placing his hands in his leather jacket. This was all he could do. If the fox didn't want to be found or seen, he wasn't going to make him.

The thing he didn't know was that AiLin had been watching him from the shadow of the trees the whole time for the past two years. He would follow him as he left the forest. Something in AiLin wanted to reach out to LiYun, but he couldn't. The moment LiYun left, AiLin went down to the bank and grabbed the note and basket. AiLin wondered all the time how he lived in the human world. This human made him feel something he never knew before. Yet, he wanted to know more about this feeling. 

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