Chapter Two

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Note: The old lady that gives money to AiLin, you will find out in later chapters who she truly is.


Since that day he met LiYun, AiLin had been wandering around the forest lost in his own thoughts. He always found himself at the top of the waterfall looking down. One day he noticed that LiYun was walking around. He looked to be looking for something again. Was it the Cave? Secretly AiLin followed him making sure this time not to be caught. Just what was he looking for?

Finally, LiYun stopped in the spot where he caught AiLin. He watched to see what he would do. LiYun suddenly called out to him. What in the world was he doing? Why was he calling out for him? AiLin didn't answer nor show himself. He stayed hidden in the shadows.

After that, AiLin kept watching LiYun for two years from the trees and the shadows. He never once let him know he was watching. Why would he? The last day LiYun came, AiLin heard what he said about not coming anymore. Why did this hurt him so much? The moment LiYun left, AiLin rushed down to grab the note. Was this the last time he would see him?

AiLin opened the note only to see just a few words on the paper: ''The White Dragon in Ciqikou''

That was it. He had never left the forest, so how would he know where Ciqikou was? AiLin sighed and put the note inside his sleeve then picked up the basket walking back to the cave. The moment he reached the path that led to the entrance he stopped and looked up at it. All his life, or that he could remember, He had been playing here and walked up this path numbers of times and yet this time seemed different.

Something was pulling him away from the path and the cave. Almost like it wanted him to leave and chase after LiYun. Why was he so drawn to this human? What was it about him that made AiLin run to him? It's not like he was immortal, or was he? In truth AiLin wouldn't know. He had never met another God or anything like him before.

AiLin sat on the small steps of the path and tried to remember what he could, but every time he tried his head would start to hurt. What was going on? Why couldn't he remember anything other than waking up in the forest and the facts about the village? The only other thing he remembered was his name. What had happened to him? Was he being punished for some unknown reason? Many questions ran through his mind.

AiLin chose to give up and turned walking up the path to the cave. Why would it matter anyways? He was happy in the forest by himself. He had no need for anyone, human or God. AiLin stopped half way up and turned around looking behind him. So, why did his mind always lead back to LiYun?

Months had gone by and AiLin still went every day to see if LiYun would show up, yet he never did. AiLin sat at the top as if he was waiting. It finally hit him that LiYun wasn't coming back to the forest. Had he given up looking for the Cave? Was it the fact that he was a male and not female that made him stop? AiLin pulled the note from his sleeve and looked at it again.

He knew what he had to do to see LiYun again. AiLin rushed off to the cave and packed a few things he knew he would need. Since he was able to use his magic to store it away, it made it much easier to do that and go into his fox form in order to run fast through the forest. He ran as fast as he could, leaping through the trees to stay away from the humans that visited the Forest. AiLin was finally able to reach the entrance of the forest. He looked for a spot that he could turn back into his human form.

The moment he stepped out of the woods he noticed something that he never really paid attention to before. The clothes that the humans were wearing were so different from his traditional style clothes. The more he stepped into the human world the more he noticed that more things have changed since he was last there.

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