Chapter Twenty-One

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After about four days, AiLin's fever had finally broken and he was able to walk around without help. After what happened that one night both Jing and LiYun started to take shifts. Jing was walking with AiLin along the path in the garden behind AiLin's palace. AiLin didn't say a word the whole time. Jing stopped when AiLin did.

''Ai'' he said softly.

''Will he be by today'' he said, not turning around to look at him.

''No, since you are now better there is no reason for him to'' Jing said.

AiLin nodded and started to walk again with his head down. That's right, since he broke up with LiYun he would understand him not coming around anymore. He sat on the bench near the pound and looked into it.

''Jing, please go ahead and leave. I can make it back on my own later'' he said.

''I should stay'' Jing said, walking over to him.

''No, I wish to be alone, plus you have Kong to worry about and your clan'' AiLin looked back at him and smiled ''Really, I'll be fine.''

Jing sighed and nodded ''Very well, but please be sure to head back in before it rains.''

AiLin nods. Jing patted his back then left. On his way out he ran into AiLin's mother ''Hello Auntie'' he said bowing.

''Jing dear how are you?'' she said with a smile.

''Well and you'' he asked in return.

''A lot better now that Ai is doing good'' she looked around for her son ''Where is he by the way?''

''In the garden he wished to be alone for a bit'' he said.

She nodded and sat down ''I worry about him. Since he broke up with Li, he hasn't seemed himself.''

''I sadly have to agree. He asked if he was coming today. I had to tell him the truth and when I did he seemed more down then anything'' Jing sat next to her and hung his head ''Neither of them seems like they can live without the other.''

Just then they both heard a loud splash from the garden. A servant came running yelling that AiLin had jumped into the pound and hadn't come up. Jing and AiLin's mother ran to the garden and looked into the pound. Neither of them could find him nor did he seem to show any signs of coming up at any time soon. Just as Jing was about to jump in after him LiYun ran into the garden and jumped right in.

Jing held AiLin's mother tightly. A few seconds later LiYun popped up holding AiLin in his arms holding him close tightly. Jing handed AiLin's mother to one of the servants standing next to them as he went and helped LiYun pull AiLin out. Once they were both out of the water safely LiYun picked AiLin up and carried him to his room. Jing and AiLin's mother stood there watching them. This is what they were scared of.

LiYun laid AiLin on the bed and pulled his wet clothes off and put his dry clothes on ''The hell were you thinking, Ai. You just got better and now you jump into the pound. Do you want to die or something'' he growled the whole time.

AiLin opened his eyes and sat up. LiYun tried to push him back to lay down. AiLin shoved LiYun away and growled ''DO NOT TOUCH ME!'' he yelled ''You have no right.''

AiLin through the blanket off him and got out of the bed. Just then it started to rain and thunder hard. AiLin turned and walked out the door into the rain. LiYun ran after him grabbing his arm trying to pull him back inside.

''You will get sick again. Come back inside, Ai'' LiYun said.

AiLin pulled away ''I said not to touch me and so what if I get sick again, it has nothing to do with you'' he said getting drenched.

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