Chapter Twenty-Two

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LiYun rolled over to his side facing the wall with just the blanket covering his lower half. AiLin shakes his head and laughs as he climbs out of the bed and puts some pants on. He walked over to the window and sat on the edge of it watching it rain. Just then Kong walked in and looked at the bed surprised.

''Let him sleep'' AiLin said smiling.

Kong turned and saw him then pointed ''Umm, what happened'' he asked confused.

''Nothing, just slept'' AiLin turned his head and looked back outside.

Kong walked over and saw the mark on AiLin's neck then nodded ''I get it now'' he flicked the mark on his neck and laughed.

AiLin growled and covered his neck while blushing ''So what'' he said.

''Chill Ai, I'm not saying anything bad about it. I'm just glad you both noticed you can't be without each other'' he sat on the window seal as well ''You need him just like he needs you.''

Just then LiYun had woken up and hit Kong with a pillow ''Stop teasing him'' he said as he got out of the bed and walked over to AiLin hugging him.

''Put some clothes on'' Kong said covering his eyes.

AiLin laughed and grabbed a blanket off the chair near him and wrapped it around LiYun's waist. LiYun growled and walked off grabbing some dry clothes putting them on. Kong shook his head and looked at AiLin who was staring out the window once again. The smile on his face had faded away. Kong reached out and placed a hand on his.

''How's the head'' he asked worriedly.

AiLin looked at him then at LiYun ''There is something I need to deal with but Li can't know.'' There was something AiLin had remembered from his past ''It could hurt him if he knew. I'm scared he will hate his brother once he finds out.''

''What is it'' Kong said, confused. What could be so bad that AiLin would want to hide something from LiYun about his brother.

AiLin shook his head and moved to jump down from the window then walked over to LiYun and hugged him tightly, laying his head against his bare chest and stomach. LiYun looked down at him confused then looked at Kong who just shrugged.

''Kong'' Jing's voice came from the doorway.

Kong smiled and ran over to him kissing his cheek ''Let me help with that'' he took the tray from Jing and carried it to the table. LiYun picked AiLin up with one arm and carried him to the table sitting down, placing him on his lap and hugging him tightly. AiLin smiled and fed him a grape.

''It's about time'' Jing said smiling sitting on Kong's lap as well.

''You knew'' Kong asked.

Jing nodded ''It was a strong feeling'' he said pouring all three of them tea.

''I'm sorry about yesterday, Jing'' AiLin said looking down.

''As you should be. You scared both me and your mother. If it wasn't for LiYun showing up when he did who knows what would have happened'' Jing said ''But everything is fine now.''

AiLin looked at Jing ''You were born before LiYun right?''

''By only a few years, me and his brother are the same age.'' he said.

AiLin nodded ''Can you come with me somewhere later, Jing'' AiLin asked.

Both Kong and LiYun looked confused ''What is going on'' LiYun asked.

Kong didn't say anything at first then spoke up ''It's ok, Jing can help Ai with what he needs. Li, you can come with me to the Wolf Kingdom. I still have yet to go'' he said then looked at AiLin.

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