Chapter Seven

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Night fell fast and everyone was sitting around in the living room watching tv. Jing and AiLin were sitting on the floor laughing and getting along. LiYun and Kong were on the couch picking on each other like they always do. Finally, LiYun and Jing went to bed leaving Kong and AiLin alone to watch tv.

''Tomorrow we will clean the other room for you. Hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch tonight'' Kong said tapping AiLin on the shoulder.

AiLin looked back at him and smiled ''No, it's ok. It will be better than sleeping on the cold stone floor'' AiLin said.

Kong sat up ''Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you really ok with being around humans. I mean they aren't all that good. Look what happened in Chongqing'' Kong said.

AiLin stood up and walked to the window looking down on the street that was lit by lanterns below. He crossed his arms and didn't speak. Kong was right not all humans were good and that seemed to scare him the most. AiLin didn't know what to say. Even if he stayed would LiYun be able to save him all the time if he got into trouble with humans? What if LiYun wasn't around and something happened?

Kong could see AiLin was now lost in thought. He didn't mean to upset him if he did. Kong walked over and patted him on the back.

''Sorry'' Kong said in a soft voice ''Just know that LiYun is happy you're here. We all are.'' He smiled and patted him again ''I'm going to head off to bed. Try to get some sleep, little fox.'' Kong headed to his room and closed the door behind him.

He sighed and sat on the floor near the door. He hugged his knee and laid his head on it. Unlike the others he didn't sleep as well as them. Just as he was about to drift off to sleep there was a small knock on his door.

Kong stood and opened the door to see Jing standing there ''What's up'' he said tired.

Jing walked in and shut the door behind him then grabbed Kong's hand and walked over to the bed. Kong followed without saying another word. Kong finally sat down on the bed and looked up at Jing who reached out and ran his hand through his hair. Kong closed his eyes. When he opened them, he found that Jing had changed into one of the boys that used to beat him when he was a kid. Kong yelled.

Kong jerked awake as he realized he was still sitting on the floor leaning against the wall near the door. Kong breathed heavily trying to catch his breath. He leaned his head against the wall looking up. Once he was able to breath he stood and opened his door. He walked down the hall to Jing's room and knocked on his door.

When Jing didn't answer he pushed the door open to find that Jing was fast asleep in his bed. Kong walked over and sat on the other side of the bed. Jing felt something and turned over. When he opened his eyes, he saw Kong there.

''I'm sorry if I woke you. I just can't sleep'' Kong said hanging his head ''In truth when we were sleeping downstairs I slept soundly.''

Jing sat up and placed his hand on Kong's back ''Do you want to sleep here then'' he asked.

Kong turned and looked at him for a moment ''Is it ok?'' The last thing he wanted to do was make Jing uncomfortable.

''It's fine'' Jing said with a smile almost laughing.

Kong kicked his shoes off and laid down, placing his head on Jing's lap. Jing laughed softly and played with his hair.

''You're acting just like a little puppy, Kong'' Jing said.

''If you don't want me here say so'' Kong said getting up sliding his feet into his shoes. He stood only to get pulled back down by Jing.

When he fell, he landed on top of Jing face to face with him. Kong could feel the burning under his cheek start to grow as he looked at Jing who was looking back at him. Neither of them moved. Jing reached up slowly and placed his hand on Kong's forehead.

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