Chapter 1: Caught

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Today is Saturday, September 17th 2014. My friends and I are explores that love to travel and go through abandon places, I loved the creepiness and historic's of old places that hold so many scary to fun memories. While traveling we found a place in CollinsPort called, Collinswood a big old mansion that seemed to abandon back in 1973 after the death of the mistress that lived there committed suicide by jumping off widows peak which was a place where women would fall to there death by hitting the hard sharply pointed rocks at the bottom.

We are currently staying at an inn there and planning on when to go to explore CollinsPort's grand mansion. My friends where very hesitant after they read the story's of what happened there and how the son Barnabas Collins was curse, became a vampire and was buried deep in the ground. Then in 1972 a decedent came by the name Barnabas Collins and had restarted the family fishing business and had killed a witch that had cursed him that was trying to ruin Collin's, then the mistress had died. Also how the family had terrible things happen to them. But that's just a story and they seemed to believe it.

Now it's 8 pm at night the sun is going down and one of my friends had gotten hurt on the way here and need to go to the hospital. I offered to go with them but they said it was ok and to go on without them, so I did. I was at the gates and I felt strangely calm but yet hesitant, I've never gone alone on one of these explorations during the night. I had entered the gates and saw that the yard was over grown and looked like a jungle with a old faded red Corvette that had been rusted and seemed to be 30-40 years old. The mansion had vines over grown on it and seemed a bit damaged due to the weather over the years. I went to the doors and pulled, it was locked.

Thankfully my skill of lock picking is incredible and I soon unlocked the door and opened it. The main room was quiet and dusty it seemed to haven't been used in years, I had my mask by my side incase the air was bad but it seemed the air was well vented and fresh. I made my way around with my camera on and in hand, recording everything and telling the story of this old mansion.

Soon I found a piano covered, I pulled off the sheet covering it and see that it's in perfect condition. I decided to play a little song before continuing to explore the rest of the house. I loved it here it was so beautiful and peaceful, I wish I could live here. Soon enough, I continued to walk around and I noticed this place was so untouched no vandalism, nothing was broken and had collected dust. Then I saw the portraits and see that one of them was Barnabas Collins, he was very handsome for his time period of the 1800's. I walked up stairs and walked into a room and decided to put my mask on because I could smell the air from here.

I opened the door and thankful that I put my mask on because you could see the air particles so well. I walked in and turned on my flash light. I looked around the room it seemed to be recently used. There was a wine bottle open and a glass filled of dark red thick substance that did not look like wine. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and I hoped it was one of the guys that decided to come and explore the mansion with me, but I was so wrong. Then I heard a voice, "who are you and why are you here!!" I swear, I jumped 3 feet into the air. I quickly turned around to meet the face of Barnabas Collins. Now realized the story's and legends are true and the fact I'm in front of a 200 year old vampire, scared the life out of me. I quickly took off my mask.

"I'm so sorry! I thought his place was abandon! I will leave now I'm sorry Barnabas!" I frantically turned off my camera and flash light. Then stopped when I realized, I said his name.

He froze and looked at me, "how do you know my name, who are you?!?" I quickly thought of something, " I saw your your portrait in the main hall with your name, I'm terrible sorry that I trespassed onto your property". He sighed and looks at me with a strange look and spoke, "Vicky?" I raised an eyebrow at him and looked at him strangely, "I'm sorry but I'm not Vicky, my name is Sierra Rose". He sighed and apologized, "I'm terribly sorry, you look someone I knew". Then I remembered the story,  "you mean your wife that died 40 years go?" He looked shocked and stared at me with anger and surprised, "how do you know about her?!?!!" I looked at him sadly, "The story's that I've been told and I know what you are Barnabas". That's what really got him going he grabbed my throat and pinned me to the wall, "you are not to speak of the monster I am and are now not leave this place ever! Now that you know my dark secret.." I started to make a chocking noise and his face softened and he dropped me, "I'm so sorry my dear". What the heck? Is he bipolar or something? I took in large amounts of air even though it might not be good for me to breath in the toxic air, that I shared with Barnabas Collins...

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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