Chapter 12: Angry and Confused

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated! I had End Of Course Exams, a long with a wedding and I'm currently sick, so hopefully this chapter will be good.
I knew it was my last first kiss...

*1 month later*

its been a month since my love Barnabas as asked me to marry him, but there's one complication...

He doesn't want to change me!

You heard me right! He doesn't want me to become a vampire like him! He believes it's the worst thing that could ever happen in man kind,a curse!

I mean our child is half vampire and my fiancé is full vampire! They will live forever and here I am some human who will only live for 50 to 60 more years, then I'm dead.

So, I've been avoiding him for the past week. He's tried to talk to me but I don't respond. I know, I know it sounds bad but I'm hurt. Does he not love me enough to be with me forever? Is he only with me because of Arron? Ok now I'm over reacting! Take a deep breath Sierra. In and out, in and out.

"Sierra, darling please talk to me... This silence is killing me please..." Barnabas pleaded

"*sigh* alright Barnabas..." I pat the spot next to me on the couch in the main room

He quickly sat down next to me, kinda happily since I talk to him, "darling, my love please don't be so angry it's not that I don't love you, it's just I don't want you to become a monster like me. Please my love understand I'm only saving you from years of pain..."

I whip my head to face him and stare him down with an angry glare, " are you fricking kidding me! I wouldn't be in pain! I have you, Aaron, and maybe more kids along the way! I wouldn't be in pain, I'd be more happy as a vampire than I am now! Honestly it feels like you don't actually care! God Barnabas I swear!"

He looked so shock at my out burst, he was speechless. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran up into our bedroom and locked the door. Suddenly my anger had turned into sadness and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I ran onto the bed and started crying my eyes out. I can't understand why he doesn't want me to be with him forever. I gave him a son, I gave him love, I gave him a reason to be happy again...


*Barnabas POV*

I watched my love, run away angry and sad. I couldn't comprehend what just happened, she's never raised her voice like that.

So I decided to go into the forest and try to clear my head. As I was pacing and in deep thought on why my love want to be a hideous creature like me.

When, I noticed a blushing white light and saw my dead love from my past.

I was stunned, "Josette..."

She looked at me sadly, " I'm here to tell you that you are making a great mistake Barnabas"

"Josette, please help me... Sierra wants to be a vampire but I fear so she will regret it later on..." I begged

"dear Barnabas she will never regret becoming like you, she simply wants to spend the rest of your life with her and your son, she loves you very much and gave you things I could never give you..."

she continued, "please Barnabas I want you to be happy, smile and feel loved again... Even if it means loving another"

*3rd Person POV*

Soon enough Barnabas nod and watched her disappear into thin air and left him there stunned. Then Barnabas realized what he has to do.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! I know it's short and probably all over the place. I will go back later and fix somethings up when I'm feeling better. Thanks for reading!

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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