Chapter 7: Barnabas Returns

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By the time it was night, Barnabas kissed me passionately and we bid our farewells. I watched the car leave until it was out of sight and then I slowly went back inside already feeling the pain of him being gone, in my still beating heart.

It's been a 6 days since Barnabas left for a business. He won't be back by tonight or tomorrow morning, depends on when the car gets ready for if he finished on time. By now my cheek is healing it's still a little bit yellow.

It's been really lonely here since Barnabas left, I've been reading most of the time. He sent me a letter that I got 4 days ago, he doesn't know how to use modern day technology yet, so he sticks to writing.

The letter was so heartfelt and romantic which made me miss him more. I really want him home, I miss him so much especially during the night. I hate sleeping in a empty bed in a darkly dimmed room since we don't have electricity really. He's so old fashion but that's what I love about him.

I looked around and found a lot of his old stuff which was neat. He had a lot of old books and letters that was written in cursive which I can not read for the life of me, trust me Barnabas has tried to teach but I simply can't. Then I saw an old picture painted picture of Josette. I know about her and what she was to Barnabas but  I still feel some jealousy and sadness when I see and hear stuff about her.

Now it's 10 pm and I'm waiting in the main room for Barnabas to come home. All the workers and artist had left already but there's still so much to do.  Suddenly I hear the door open and close, next thing I know Barnabas ran over to me using his vampire speed, picking me up and starts kissing me hard but passionately.

As I wrap my legs around his waist. I kissed him back as hard and passionate, running my hands through his hair, tangling it. He started kissing my neck roughly, "I missed you so much my darling, I was so lonely...". I soon became breathless and was trying to hold a moan "so have I Barnabas...." it went on for awhile until he started caring me to his room.

I must say I was nervous about this. He really was a romantic man, my heart is pounding just by thinking about him. I changed into my night gown this one was much shorter because it was the only clean one I had.

I slowly made my way to out of the closet and saw him in ONLY a robe. Gosh he was such a flirt but he was a good man who really cared for me unlike. Never mind, I made my way towards him and sat on his lap as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear which made a shiver go up my spin. Even though he was a vampire he was so much more likes human, the way he acts, loves and talks. The only difference are his skin teeth and his diet, but I will always love Barnabas Collins even if it kills me...

The next morning, I woke up feeling sore mostly my back. I sat up rubbing my eyes and noticed that there was feathers everywhere from ripped up pillows, the head board was cracked and a pile of ripped up cloths. Then I remembered what happened last night and blushed scarlet red. I looked over to see a sleeping Barnabas naked, laying on his stomach. I had gotten up and went to the full body mirror in the corner of the room and noticed the hand shaped brushes on my waist, chest and neck, suddenly I felt a presence behind me.

I quickly looked and saw a sad and ashamed looking Barnabas. "I'm so sorry my dear, I've hurt you to the point you bled..." Then I looked closer at my neck and saw a bit of dried blood.

"No its okay, Barnabas, it doesn't hurt I promise!" I quickly said but his expression didn't change. "Sierra, I hurt you because of the monster I am please forgive me..." and with that he was dressed and gone within a second before I could even talk.

I slowly got dressed and went looking for Barnabas. After 3 hours of looking everywhere and calling his name desperately, I finally came to a conclusion that Barnabas my love was gone....

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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