Chapter 11: Decisions and Surprise!

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(Honestly, who hates school? I do so much homework... Sorry for the late update! Thanks for the hearts and I'm glad you guys enjoy my story I might edit in some more chapter later, so things make more sense.)
"Arron David Collin" that's his name.

*1 Month*

It's been a month since, I gave birth to our little boy Arron. He can be a hand full but today Maria said she would look after, so I can get some rest.

Barnabas has been really busy with work, so he's in his office a lot or out at the docks with his sunglasses and umbrella unless it was overcast. So, I'm currently just sitting on the he bed relaxing and thinking. Suddenly a thought comes into my head, "is he gonna change me?". By change, I mean change into a vampire.

Honestly, it has never crossed my mind at all until now. We had been so busy with Victoria and the pregnancy, I totally never considered the idea. I want to spend an eternity with him and be happy, but he says what he is, is a monster that has been condemned to hell with no way out.

I don't want to leave him alone, when I die though. I'll have to talk about to him later, hopefully he will change me. I really don't want to leave him or Arron behind, they both are my world and I don't want them going through the pain of losing a maybe soon to be wife and mother, especially if Arron has a family of his own by then.

I hear the door open and I look over, I see Barnabas with a big grin on his face. He quickly comes over and hugs me close, he wasn't supposed to be home for another 5 hours! He must of took time off, he has been gone a lot.

I smiled and hugged him back tightly. I missed him so much, I was starting to get lonely. So I decided to tease him, "you know, I've been getting really lonely lately..." I said sadly. He quickly looked at me and kissed me, so passionately, he pulled away knowing that, I need air.

"My deepest apologies darling, there is no excuse for my actions..." He says while looking into my eyes and I saw love, sadness and guilt. I quickly kissed him, "I'm only messing darling" I say giggling.

He looked shocked and then a smirk quickly covered his face, "oh so I see, your gonna pay!" He picked me up and ran through the halls while I was laughing hard and holding on tightly.

Soon, we had made it outside into the garden. It was very cloudy that day, so Barnabas was fine. He set me down down under a tree and held my hands. I was standing there grinning like an idiot, soon he got done onto one knee.

I swear, I died right there! I covered my mouth and was almost in tears, then he grabbed my other hand, "My love, we have known each other for alittle over a year now and that past year was the best, I've ever experienced. We had a son, fought Victoria and you made me feel truest real love and I wish to spend forever with you."

Tears began rolling down my cheeks and he pulled out a box and opened it showing the most beautiful ring ever, I ever saw.

"Will you Sierra Mae Rose, make me the happiest man live and dead by marrying me?" His eyes show so much love, hope and happiness.

"Of course, A million times yes!" He slid the ring onto my finger and we both shared the most beautiful and passionate kiss ever.

When we kissed the first time all those months ago, I knew it was my last first kiss...

A/N: Thank you guys, so much! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! I'll try and update soon!

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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