Chapter 6: Hurt but Fine

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Soon the door bell rang which was weird and so I answered it  standing there before my eyes was Victoria Winters, my boyfriends "dead" wife....

I stared at the woman before know as, Victoria Winters who had supposedly died when she fell off of Widows Peak. She looked at me with wide eyes, "um is Barnabas Collins here?". I nodded slowly," I'll go get him" she nodded and I yelled, "Barnabas someone is here for you!".

Barnabas quickly comes to me, "who is it darling?" then he looked up and his eyes widen. "Victoria what are you doing here?!?" He said angrily holding on to me tightly and Victoria noticed then her smile dropped, "I came to see you Barnabas my love". He was still very angry and I felt a pang in my chest when she said those words, " you have no right to call me that Victoria not after you left me after all these years and since I've moved on" she looked a bit angry herself and she glare at me, "who are you and what did you do to my husband?!?!!". Then there was a sound of a slap and I was on the floor.

I was shocked and held my cheek, it stung and tears had formed in my eyes. Barnabas was right there crouched in front of me and saw my already swelling check. Then he snapped and was beyond livid, he went up to Victoria and held her by the throat. "If you ever lay a finger on my fiancee again or step on this property again, I will not hesitate to kill you!" She looked shocked her self and was released she quickly grabbed her bag and let, but something told me, she was going to be back. My cheek sting like crazy, it hurts so much.

Barnabas closed the door, picked me up off the ground and held me tight, "everything thing is alright my love, she will not harm you no more". I nodded and gave him a quick kiss on his cold yet soft lips and we headed back to his chambers, so I can change out of the dress. I loved it but I didn't want ruin it. Barnabas helped me out of the dress and I put it back on the hanger. Barnabas was behind me and put his hands on my waist which sent shivers up my spine as he caresses my curves. "How's your cheek?" I flinched remembering what Victoria did and I turned to him "it still hurts a lot". Then he kissed it with this cold lips which felt of nice...

I felt a pair of eyes on me but I didn't see any except Barnabas's of course. He loves to tease me but always holds him self back, so I got out of his grip and changed into my cloths. He groans and I kiss him quickly then walk out to have some lunch before, I starve to death. I quickly ate because Barnabas is leaving soon for business while the mansion gets cleaned up, unfortunately he's gonna be gone for a week, so I'll be alone for a week.

By the time it was night, Barnabas kissed me passionately and we bid our farewells. I watched the car leave until it was out of sight and then I slowly went back inside already feeling the pain of him being gone, in my still beating heart.

Then 3 days later, I received a letter in the mail from Barnabas! I quickly went inside and sat on the couch in the main room. I ripped open the envelope and quickly pulled out the letter.

Dear my love Sierra,
I've missed you dearly, its all ready been a day since I've arrived back to England. I've been very busy but not once have you left my mind. I can't wait to return home to you and hold you tight like we do every night when we fall into a blissful sleep. I promise to do something's special with you once I arrive back from this dreadful trip without you.
I will love you until the end of time, my love.
-Barnabas Collins
Since then I've been reading that letter everyday to remind myself on how much he loves me and I'll keep reading it until he returns, my wonderful Barnabas Collins...

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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