Chapter 5: Confession and Suprise

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I picked her up gently as if she was the fragilest thing ever and carried her to my bed where, I've let her sleep for the past week due to the harsh cold of winter. I laid her on the bed and tucked her in making sure she would stay warm, I watched her sleep until I found myself becoming tried as well and soon I was asleep next to her. Asleep next to my one true love...

Sierra's POV
I was running down the hall way of my ex boyfriends house and as he chased after me laughing evilly. I was crying and ran out of the old apartment, trying to get away. He got a hold of me and I started screaming, "Get away! Let go! Please stop Dawson!!". He smiled evilly at me," no your mine and only mine, I can do whatever I want". He started hitting me, I kept screaming.

I woke up sweating with Barnabas hovering over me with a worried and scared look. I instantly calmed down when I saw his handsome face," Barnabas...". Tears started to stream down my cheeks onto the soft white pillow. He hugged me and comforted me trying to make me feel better, "It's okay darling, I'm here no need to worry. It's just a dream". I calmed down I his arm and he looked at me, our eyes locked Crimson to Grey.

Barnabas slowly leaned in and his soft cold lips touched mine it was slow yet full of passion, I started to kiss back. Our lips moved in sync and it felt like, I was floating while he held me and kissed me, so passionately. I craved for this for the past 3 weeks, for him to kiss me, touch me, love me and now here he is doing what, I craved for.

Soon we had to breathe and we stopped, Barnabas put his forehead against mine. Both of our breaths was labored and heavy, he stared at me as I ran my hand through his hair.

"Sierra, I'm so sorry  I should of asked for permission before doing such act upon you", I stared at him and smiled, " it's okay Barnabas, I really wanted you to do that for awhile now..". He looked at me with loving eyes, "Sierra, will you allow me to court (meaning date) you?"

I blushed a beat red at the sudden question and slowly nodded, "yes Barnabas, I allow you to court me". Soon enough he gave me a quick kiss and played with my hair. I slowly fell asleep in the arms of the man I once feared when we met and is now the man I love.

I look up to see the curtains closed but I could tell it was day time and the fact that Barnabas was gone. I knew he wanted to get some paper work done for the his fishing business, Collins Co. I slowly got out of bed and remember what happened last night, my cheeks flushed red as I recall last night and looked around the room trying to find the closet. Soon I found it and got out of bed , heading towards the closet.

I went into a closet and found an old looking blue dress that look like it be worn in the 1880's, it looked of beautiful and was my size (picture at the top). I put it on to see how it would look on me and it fit perfectly like a glove.  The bordering was done perfectly, the color looks as if it has never faded and the designs are so well done, pretty and perfect, it seems as if it was never been worn before maybe never even left the closet. Then I had brushed out my wavy brown hair so I would presentable and not a 1880's zombie.

So as I looked in the mirror, Barnabas walked in and his smiles was very big as he came up behind me and hugged me from behind lovingly. "Love, you look so beautiful in this dress, any man would fall for you". He placed sweet kisses along my neck and kept his hands on my waist, I was holding in my moan but it escaped a bit making it a low moan.

This really got him and I going but we decided to wait even though he really wanted to. Soon the door bell rang which was weird and so I answered it  standing there before my eyes was Victoria Winters, my boyfriends "dead" wife....

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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