Chapter 8: Why...?

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I slowly got dressed and went looking for Barnabas. After 3 hours of looking everywhere and calling his name desperately, I finally came to a conclusion that Barnabas my love was gone....

Its been 2 months since my love Barnabas, disappeared. Its like he fell off the face of the earth and never existed, at least that is what it feels like to me...

I've been in such a depressed state, I barely leave my room. I rarely leave to go eat but there isn't much anymore and I've had morning sickness for awhile but now its slowing down. I've started thinking about leaving this cold and empty mansion. But something is holding me back like my heart is saying he's gonna come back any day now. But my mind is saying leave, he's not coming back. The thought of me being pregnant scared me and what scared me more was that a bump was forming.

Then there's also my career as a Youtuber! I have to stay loyal to my fans, I cant believe I forgot about my career. Barnabas had such an effect on me.... I decided that if he didn't come back by tonight, I was gonna leave and find my friends. Holy crap my friends! They must be panicking or worried there has been a few times that someone has tried to enter the mansion.

I grabbed my camera, flashlight, phone, mask and got dressed. I made my way down stairs into the main hall. I placed my stuff on a table and sat on the couch, I picked up a near by book and stared to read it. Time flew by and nothing has happened. Barnabas has not returned and its now 8 pm. I grabbed my phone and called a taxi service, I told the man my location and said he will be over right away.

I waited outside the gates for the taxi that would be here in 5 minutes. Tear's streamed down my face as I waited thinking what I was leaving behind but I decided to leave because I wasn't gonna wait for him forever. But the thought of me thinking i'm with child made me want to turn around and wait for him.

Soon enough the taxi came, I quickly looked at the gates that had the Collins crest on it with the big C on it. I finally got in the taxi that was now heading back into town and to the inn my friends and I stayed at. The taxi got there and I payed him. I grabbed my things and walked inside and up the stairs to my room where my friends, I could hear inside.

I pulled out the key and unlocked the door. I slowly opened it and looked at them, "hey guys...". They all looked at me with wide eyes and tackled me into a hug as they whispered thank god, we were so worried, we missed you and are you okay? I was so happy that they cared about me so much, I knew Luke was going to be very happy because he thought of me as a little sister. They called the police station and told them that they found me and that, I was okay. They asked me where, I was and told them that I had family here and had to stay with them and that they had no service or internet where they lived. They thankfully they believed it and didn't push it any further.

About a month later, I was eating like no tomorrow everyday, was still having morning sickness and my belly had gotten bigger. My friends forced me to the doctors because we where gonna leave soon to see our families for awhile. I went to the doctors and told them everything and they went and check what these symptoms could be. I had to give them a urine sample just to check if there was some illness I caught.

Soon the doctor came back and smiled at me and said the the 5 words I didn't want to hear. "Congratulations ms.rose you are pregnant" as soon as he words came out of his mouth, I sat there in shock. I quickly thanked him and left deciding had to return to CollinWood the mansion my love Barnabas owned. Even if he wasn't there I want to be able to raise my child the same place his/her father was raised in and be able to see what he looks like in case he never see's Barnabas.

I got a ride from the taxi and quickly called my friends to say go on without me. I grabbed my things and got into the taxi, soon the taxi sped off towards CollinWood. When we arrived, I paid the man and grabbed my things, then he turned around and left. I opened the gates and made my way to the court yard saw that it was cleaned up nicely. But what really made me happy I saw a dim light on the 3rd floor hallway. I quickly went inside and looked around and only saw a lamp had been knocked over and the bulb had shattered, that told me someone was here.

"BARNABAS!!!" I yelled hoping it was him who was here as I quickly but carefully made my way upstairs. I made it to his room and saw a light. I had the biggest grin on my face as I opened the door. There he was at his desk with his head down it looked like he was sleeping. I saw books everywhere and a bunch of papers on his desk, then I noticed his hair was crazy as if he ran his hands through it a lot.

I went to him and whispered, "Barnabas..." he stirred and woke up and saw me his eye's widen as tears filled my eyes and a big grin was plastered on my face. Then he looked at my stomach and saw the size of it, he was speechless. So I spoke up, "I'm with child Barnabas..." he quickly went to me and hugged me tight but not to tight. He kept muttering i'm sorry, I love you, I should have stayed and all that. Then I felt a pair of eyes on me again and I knew that Victoria was watching and had heard, I was with child. I was going to protect my baby no matter what even if it meant, I would have to die for our baby.

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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