Chapter 9: Months Later

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Then I felt a pair of eyes on me again and I knew that Victoria was watching and had heard, I was with child. I was going to protect my baby no matter what even if it meant, I would have to die for our baby.

*7 Months Later*

Its been 7 months and Barnabas has gone off the deep end. He won't let me answer the door in fear that Victoria attacks and he watches me 24/7! I know I'm carrying his unborn child but he's going crazy.

Today he he lets me go to the library to let me have some peace and quiet. I was reading for hours and hours. Barnabas had not checked up on me once! I'm proud of him that he kept his promise of giving me some time alone to relax. I am truly lucky to have him, I just wish his past wouldn't effect him so much. Victoria is still out there and Barnabas is to scared to leave me unprotected and fragile to go and find her. I wish she would leave us alone...

It was quiet relaxing until I knocked over a stack of books and knowing Barnabas's senses are heightened, he probably heard it. Next thing I know the door slams open and my love Barnabas runs to me and check to see if I'm hurt," My love are you ok?!? I thought you might have fell or some books fell on you!?!".

Here he goes again, I quickly kissed him to reassure him that I'm ok. I pulled away and smiled, " Barnabas love I'm ok and unharmed, no need to worry". He looked relieved and carefully hugged me. "I'm sorry darling, I just fear something might happen to you and our child".

Im grateful he is the father of my child and my fiancée. Sometimes I thank Angelique even though she's done so many bad things to my Barnabas, she is the reason why he still here by cursing him. If she didn't then, I'd still be traveling, single, not pregnant, and would have forgotten CollinWood, my home.

I look up at him, "Sweetie, it's ok I know we have a month left until our precious child will be born and you just want keep us safe". He smiled brightly and wrapped his arm around my waist, helping me get back to our room sinceI get back pain easily.

Soon, I'm back in bed with Barnbas hovering over me and talking to my stomach in a baby voice. It was so cute! "My precious your mommy and I can't wait for you to be here, your mommy will be the best mommy ever! She sweet, loving, caring and fun. You will absolutely love her and she will love you, now rest young one we will see you soon" he said kissing my belly. I almost strayed crying.

Barnabas looks up smiling but when he see's my tear's, his smile fades away and he quickly crawled up to me. "Darling, sweetie what's wrong? Did I do something?" He was really worried, I only smiled.

"I'm fine, don't worry I'm just really happy that you are here with me and the child, I'm so lucky" I started crying, honestly my emotions are crazy. All part of being pregnant.

He relaxes and strokes my cheek, "no I'm the lucky one, to have you and our child. I never thought I'd love again but you showed me I can."

Oh god my emotions are going crazy! I cried harder. "Barnabas that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, I love you so much!!" He smiled and helped me calm down and soon I became tired and before I fell asleep I heard, "I love you so much darling, we will be together forever. God is my witness".

I went to sleep knowing, I'm safe in my lovers arms...
Hey guys! Thank you for being patient with me! I'm truly grateful and I noticed someone has hearted my story! Just knowing that someone likes it made my day, even though it's just one person. I'm ok with it!
Next chapter coming out tomorrow or tonight! It's gonna be a good one! Thanks for reading!

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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