Chapter 13: Happiness

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Then Barnabas realized what he has to do.

*Sierra's POV*

I woke up and notice that it was completely dark outside. I quietly sat up and ran a hand through my hair. Why does Barnabas have to be so diffcult?

As soon as I thought that, the bedroom door opened quickly and there was a worried Barnabas. He looked relieved to see me sitting in bed. Barnabas rushed over and engulfed me into a hug and held onto be as if I would disappear.

I was in complete shock, "B-Barnabas...?".

He looked at me with sad and regret filled eyes, "Sierra please listen, I've decided that I will change you but not tonight my love"

I was still in shock from what he said and reaction, "oh Barnabas...."

He looked into my eyes searching for something, when I quickly leaned down and closed the gap between us. At first he wasn't expecting it then he melt into the kiss and our lips moved in sync.

As fireworks no, BOMBS went off at the sudden contact. Then I was pushed down onto the bed by Barnabas still not losing contact.

You can guess what happened again.

~Next Morning~

I woke up to being in Barnabas's cold arms, but it felt nice on my hot skin.

I turned over and looked at my lovely fiancé peacefully asleep. Honestly, I don't know how I got so lucky. Even though we had fights, he had a bad past and the fact he could easily kill me, didn't seems as bad to me compared to a normal person.

"Good morning darling" he says with his sexy morning voice, oh my that got me going.

"Morning love" I say while kissing him and soon enough the kissing got more heated and we found ourselves in the same position as last night.

"ok big boy we have to get ready today, I want to have a picnic today while the clouds still cover the sky" I say seriously but still playfully.

He groans and gets off of me, then falls back into the bed. I giggle while getting up, then take a shower and get ready for today.

Of course Barnabas is ready way sooner than I am. So he was already dressed and was holding little Aaron. Little Aaron was so cute in his little out fit.

We head down stairs and Maria hands me the blanket, umbrella and basket full of food and a fill 'wine' bottle. I thankfully took it all since Barnabas had Aaron and Aaron's bag.

Then we were off to a nice field with a big tree in the mild. During our time, it seemed peaceful and full of happiness...

A/N: Hey guys! This one was done sooner due to a very nice person by the name of Lena! This person reminded me to update the story. Also I'm starting to run out of ideas! So I need your guys help! Please comment ideas for the next chapter please! Thank you and I'll update soon!

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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