Chapter 4: Dinner and Something More

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I went and laid beside her and played with her hair, oh how soft and beautiful it was. I swear she's done something to me, but i know she did not do anything to me but show me kindness. Soon enough I started falling for this maiden, that will never love me for what I am...

A month has passed now it's December, Barnabas and I have grown closer. We read and recite poems and lines from books and sometimes he reads to me. I've slowly kind of grown a crush on Barnabas but I don't think he feels the same.
The mansion has grown cold, so I often end up in Barnabas's room because it has a fireplace and mine doesn't. When ever I see him watching me, I grow nervous and shy.

Now it's dinner for me and Barnabas has decided to join me tonight, so I won't be alone. I slowly eat me food under his gaze and finally he speaks, "Sierra, will you meet me in my chambers after dinner please, I have to feed".

I nodded knowing what he meant and so he left quickly. I calmed down and finished eating dinner. I clean the dishes and put them away, then I go to my room to change into my nightgown since its all he has for me, it was a beautiful light purple with flower patterns at the bottom while my back was shown and was covered by a thin see through fabric. It was truly beautiful if only they still made night gowns like this till or something similar to the night gown.

Soon, I walk towards Barnabas's room and knock. He lets me in and I see the fireplace is on and it's warm in here. I relax and turn to Barnabas who looks rather happy and a little bit confident. I noticed he was in his robe and looked ready for bed, " so Barnabas what did you want to talk about?"

He grabbed a book and sat on the couch in front of the fireplace and beckoned me over and so I did. I sat down while he was laying down on the couch but his leaned against the arm of the couch. He pulls me over so my back laying on him with my head on his chest as he recites some lines from Romeo and Juliet.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand.This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." I blushes hearing him recite a romantic line from, Romeo and Juliet.

He kept reading to me until I fell asleep to his beautiful voice and lines of Romeo and Juliet.

Barnabas POV
I kept reciting lines from Romeo and Juliet to my lovely Sierra. She was indeed the most beautiful creature, I've ever laid my eyes on. She slowly fell asleep, her eye lids covering her beautiful stormy grey eyes. I put down the book and stroked her soft hair for a long time then decided to take her to bed.

I picked her up gently as if she was the fragilest thing ever and carried her to my bed where, I've let her sleep for the past week due to the harsh cold of winter. I laid her on the bed and tucked her in making sure she would stay warm, I watched her sleep until I found myself becoming tried as well and soon I was asleep next to her. Asleep next to my one true love...

(Sorry it's so short)

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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