Chapter 10: Fight And It Time!

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I went to sleep knowing, I'm safe in my lovers arms...

The next morning, I woke up dizzy and to the sound of banging. It was very loud and Barnabas had woken up too. He looked angry and abit scared but not by the person making the noise. He was scared that something might happen. He looked at me and quickly hides me in a closet, "Darling stay in here, Maria our new maid will be with you soon while I handle this".

I quickly nod and he kiss me as if it's the last time he will. It scared me thinking about it, "Barnabas please don't leave me...". He smiled sadly, "I'll always be with you, my love". He closed it and locked it. I started banging on it calling for him but to no avail.

Soon, Maria joined me and locked the closet agin.


P.O.V Barnabas

Hearing my love yell my name over and over had torn me apart. Soon Maria had join my love and calmed her down but I can still hear her heart beating rapidly. I'm grateful that Maria is here for here and the baby. I locked my room and put the key away.

I made it down stair's and that infernal knocking stopped. I opened the door to see Vicky standing there wearing some very revealing things. She very much reminded me of what Angelique wore that one terrible night.

She looks at me and smirks, "why hello Barnabas, I expected Sierra to answer the door". I started to become angry and my voice darkness, "you will not lay a hand on her". It came out as a growel which surprised Victoria. I realized I was never that way with her, I didn't love her as much as I love Sierra.

Victoria new this and she quickly became upset. She pushed me into one of the walls and started to kiss me roughly. I pushed her back, "you shall not do that again! Leave now or else it's the bottom of the ocean with you along with Dr.Hoffman!" Soon things escalated quickly.

Victoria had me on the ground and next thing there is Sierra being held by Victoria. "Now look who we have here, Barnabas lover, Sierra! Ah see the child is growing stronger, to bad it will never see the light of day". I looked into Sierra's eyes she was scared, angry, upset and in pain. Victoria went for her neck and then my instincts kicked in and I soon had Victoria in a headlock.

I grabbed the leather hand of a silver dagger and plunged it into Victoria. There was a loud scream and soon Victoria was dead. Sierras as crying holding her stomach, I quickly went to her, "darling everything is ok now you, our precious baby, Maria and I are alright".

Soon enough, Sierra had calmed down and kissed me with so much passion. My, how wonderfully lucky, I am to have her but then I heard something wet hit my shoes.


P.O.V Sierra

While, I was hugging Barnabas, I felt something fall out of me and it was wet. Then I realized, my water broke. "Barnabas my water broke!" He's eyes widen,"but you have 3 more weeks!".

"I know but the baby decided it's time!" Maria quickly took me to the medical area of the castle and placed me onto the the bed. She quickly put in my iv and hooked me up to a heart monitor. Barnabas was in some kinda of old outdated medical scrubs like Maria.

Then a contraction hit and I screamed, soon Barnabas took my hand and I squeezed hit. "Barnabas I'm scared! What if I can't do it! What if something goes wrong!?!" He looked at me calmly, "Darling it's gonna be alright, I'm here to help your through this, you are gonna be fine my love". I could tell he was scared to bug was keeping to get her for me and that's why I'm so lucky to have him.

Then another contraction hit but this one was sooner and more painful, I let out another blood curdling scream.

Soon enough Maria looked at, "Sierra it's time, on 3 you start pushing, ok?" I nodded my head. "1...2...3!" Then I started pushing and after a good 10 minutes of screaming, the baby finally the baby came out.

Soon, Maria came back with a blue bundle that held my baby. Barnabas looked like he was gonna cry, "it's a boy!". He looked so happy, then he asked me.

"What are we gonna name him?" I smiled and looked at my beautiful baby boy and decided.

"Arron David Collins" that's his name.
A/N: 2 updates in a row! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it was a quickly fight but I wanted it to be done and over with, so we can get to the exciting part! Yep, little baby Arron David Collins was born on October 17th 2015. Now I'll update tomorrow somewhere around in the evening!

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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