Chapter 3: Signs

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He looked so sad and I felt terrible to make him think of his past again, "I'm so sorry Barnabas, I shouldn't have asked...". He quickly looked at me and spoke softly, " it's alright dear, I wanted to tell you". I nodded and gave his hand a quick squeeze, " well Barnabas thank you, hopefully you will love again" he smiled a bit and turned fully to me, "Thank you Sierra". Then I left but soon heard,"I will soon..."

Soon as, I heard it I became very curious by what he meant, "I will soon...". Does he love someone already and still hasn't confess his feelings to the girl. I felt a pang in my chest as I thought about it and I don't know why I'm not jealous. Well, maybe I am just a little, oh okay a lot but there's no way I can fall for him in such a short time. But there something pulling me towards him. Gosh my head hurts.

I made it to my room and had gotten dressed for bed, I wore my sweatpants that I was wearing when I first came here and then I just put on a tank top. I laid in bed but could not fall asleep for so many reasons. I stayed that way for quiet a while thinking over my life decisions, ha ha just kidding. I was thinking how cold, dark and scary this room is and how, I wished to be back with my friends at the Inn. Soon, I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:30 am, which was surprising because i didn't feel like that to me.

I got out of bed and put my socks on. I grabbed a candle and walked down to the main floor, but the hall ways where quiet scary at night but I made it to my destination. I lit the fire place, grabbed a book and a blanket. laid down on the couch and leaned against the arm of the couch. I put my hair up in a bun, put the blanket on me and opened the book.

I was reading for an hour then I felt a presence behind me and then the person spoke up, "my  dear what are you doing up so late?". I looked up and smiled a little, "oh hello Barnabas, sorry I couldn't sleep so I decided to read for a bit out here". He simply nodded and sat on the arm of the couch and grabbed the book out of my hands and started to read it to me.


Barnabas POV

I reading the book to my dear sierra, who was starting to grow sleepy. She soon fell asleep on the couch and she started to lightly snore but it wasn't loud at all. So I put the book down and put out the fire that she had lit to stay warm. I picked up sierra bridal style and cared her upstairs and got to her room, carefully open the door.

I gently put her down and kissed her forehead. I started to walk towards the door and put my hand on the door nob. But I didn't open the door and I didn't want too. Then I looked back at sierra's sleeping face, oh what witchery has she done on me!

I went and laid beside her and played with her hair, oh how soft and beautiful it was. I swear she's done something to me, but i know she did not do anything to me but show me kindness. Soon enough I started falling for this maiden, that will never love me for what I am...

Thank you so much for reading~! I hope your enjoying the story!

If a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man...
-Barnabas Collins

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