Chapter 5

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"Man that party was LIT as fuck last night bruh!" Chan said.

"Hell yea, Dion and Kaci party's always be fucking lit, didn't too many people go to Trina party I heard. She shouldn't have thrown it the same day as Dion and Kaci party, that was dumb." Chad said.

"Man shut the fuck up, you sound like a whole bitch discussing that shit, who gives a fuck." Zay said.

"Yo mama give a fuck bitch ass nigga, she told me to tell you to check on the bitch, hoe ass nigga." Chad yelled.

"Man fuck you with a sick ass dick, ol nappy headed ass fuck nigga." Zay said.

"Man both of yall need to shut the fuck up man. Im trying to look online for the shit we need before this piss test.  I'm trying to figure out where to get these pills to clean out our systems, you know coach is going to start piss testing us next month." Chan reminded them.

"Aw damn that's right, why you just won't ask Devin, that nigga got everything." Zay said.

"Dude sell drugs, why the fuck would he have some shit like that?! " Chad said.

"Because he Devin, dumb fuck." Zay shouted.

"I'll ask him man, shut the fuck up man, y'all crazy as shit." Chan said.

"I seen Valencia jocking the fuck out of you last night, Chan." Chad said.

"Who is Valencia? " Zay asked .

"That thick ass bitch in fourth period with that purple shit in her head." Chad stated.

"Aw yea, Kayla was about to beat her ass over there by the table that's why we left when we did. I don't know where y'all niggas was at." Chan said.

"See, that's how I know you was fucked up because me and Wish was right behind y'all dumb ass."

"Aw word, I don't even remember that, Damn."

" But aye, that ass was sitting right though cuz. " Chad playfully said.

"Man whatever nigga, Star would be at yo neck if you looked at that girl twice nigga."

"Shit I ain't fucked up about Valencia, that bitch for everybody, but Wish, that's bae."

"Bruh, Kayla caught me looking at her ass too. Her go go gadget ass eyes and ears don't miss shit."

"Damn, word, you wild ass fuck."
We all fell out laughing.

We talked for a couple more hours then Zay left because he had to meet up with Wish to go to the movies and out to eat or some shit. Something about having date night.

"Man, whatsup with yo long face ass, why you looking like that."

"A nigga got alot on his mind Chad, like forreal."

"Like what nigga."

"Well check this out, you know me and Kayla suppose to be going to college together after we finish high school, but I don't think I'm going."

"Why not, something happened or some shit? You know how long that girl been talking about that shit."

"Yeah I know, but I'm thinking about going pro right after we graduate."

"Aw word?? And play for who? "

" The Celtics already sent me some shit in the mail, along with the Lakers, Dallas Mavericks ,and the Miami Heat."

"Damn nigga, you in there."

"A couple colleges sent me some emails and shit about going pro next year after we graduate. Them chances looking mighty fat right now though."

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