Chapter 21

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"Man this place is dope!" Joey yelled.

"Hello Mr. Sykes, glad that you  made it safely, hey fellows Welcome to the Lakers Fitness center im-"

"No need we know exactly who you are Mr. Luke Walton!" Chad said excitedly.

"And who are you guys?"

"These are my friends Chad, Zay, Josh, Trevin, Trey, and Joey. They are graduating this year also."

"Oh okay nice to meet you fellas, and Chad you say?"

"Yes sir, Chad Savage sir."

"I thought that was you, I've been watching you as well and Zay'Reun Collins, am I correct?"

"Yes sir I'm Zay'Reun in the flesh, nice to meet you sir."

"Likewise fellas. I have some players for you to meet who are here today and then we can handle some business and I would like to have a chat with Chad and Mr. Zay'Reun as well if you don't mind."

"No problem here sir." Chad said hurriedly.

"Then it's settled, come on let's go meet some of the guys shall we?"

"Lead the way sir." Chan said.

"Hey take a break a guys, I have some young men I would like you all to meet."

When coach told the guys that was doing workouts and practicing to take a break they immediately stopped what they were doing. As they got up I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Fellas meet Josh Hart, Alex Caruso, Brandon Ingram, and the one and only LeBron James. Guys meet Mr.Chandler Sykes, our rookie, and possibly two other rookies in the future Zay, Chad and the others are Joey, Trey, and Trevin.

"What's up y'all, nice to meet all of you." LeBron said as he shook and dapped up with each and every one of us. The other players did the same.

"Well guys, I'll leave you in the hands of my players. Chan, Chad, and Zay follow me please."

We all were nervous as fuck and Zay and Chad was looking puzzled as hell wondering what could the coach possibly want with them.

"Fellas, have a seat right outside my office, I'mma have a chat with Mr.Sykes first, Mr. Sykes, follow me."

Coach was talking to me about everything they had to offer me and the benefits I would have if I make the decision to join the team. He also told me about all of the pros and cons and how lucky they would be to have me on their squad. He told me I reminded him a lot of Mr. LeBron and how he would be a great mentor for me. He asked me have I made my decision yet. At the point and time, I had finally made up my mind and decided to go with my favorite team of all times.

"Chandler Savage, Welcome to the Los Angeles Lakers son. I'm going to send you over to Samantha, my secretary and she's going to have you do paperwork and have you watch a few information videos I would like you to watch. Of course nothing will be final until you graduate, and when you do we'll be here waiting for you to make magic. That means it's going to be grind time and your going to really show us and the world what your made of."

"Yes sir, thank you and I can't wait to make you and everyone else proud, I'm ready."

"Say no more. That's exactly what I need to hear. Send Chad in here and Samantha's office is two doors down."

"Yes sir, I got it."

Two hours later I was done with my paperwork and the videos coach wanted me to watch. He was also done talking to Chad and Zay and they looked happy as hell. I can't wait to hear what coach told them and if he offered them a chance to join the squad as well. My niggas go hard on the court just as hard as I do. Coach even mentioned he had also called their phones and left messages on their phone as well.

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