Chapter 12

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"Star go in the bathroom and handle your business, we'll be right outside the door."

Moments later...

"OMG y'all what does it say."

"Star it hasn't even been 60 seconds yet sis, the test said give it at least 3 minutes calm down." Wish said to me.

"Y'all I'm so nervous what if I'm"

"Pregnant! "

"Yeah I can't even say it, what the fuck! "

"No bitch that's what the test says! Pregnant!!!  Star your fucking pregnant! " Kayla screamed.

I passed out. All I remember is hearing Kayla say I'm pregnant, this has gots to be a dream.

"Star, wake up! " Wish screamed.
"Star are you okay! " Nesha screamed. "Star it's okay, you just passed out,wake up!" Kayla screamed.
  "Put a wet tile on her head or sprinkle some water in her face, that should wake her up." Nesha said.

"Okay, I got it." Wish said hurrying into my bathroom to get a tile out of my closet to wet it.

"Star, are you ok sis? "

"Yea I think so, what the hell happened? "

"Bitch you passed out."

"So this isn't a dream im really pregnant?!!"

"Yes, Star your really pregnant."

"Wow, aint this a bitch, Chad is probaly going to flip the fuck out yall,we have never even talked about having kids."

"Its going to be fine Star, your girks are going to be with you every step of the way,trust and believe." Kayla said to me in a serious tone."

"Right, we got you babe." Nesha spoke up and said.

We all looked at Wish.

"What? you know im not going anywhere sis, we're stuck with each other,we all are, so Nesha get use to it bitch."

"Aw fasho, we friends for life, every since I met y'all last year. All of you have been nothing but kind and generous to me. Y'all have never treated me any different from y'all or used me for my money, I can tell the love y'all have for me is genuine and y'all want me to be happy, and I feel the exact same way. I love you guys, Im so glad I met you guys, I thought I would never have real friends, it's like it was meant to be, I wouldn't trade you guys for nothing in the world. My old friends ain't got shit on y'all, y'all have a friend in me for life and then some, Congratulations Star.

"Awwwww we love you too Nesha!!!" We all said.

"We're gonna be some TT's!!!!!! "

They repeated that for about 10 minutes. I just hope Chad is as excited as they are.

After we talked for about another two hours I told them I was going over to Chad's house to tell him the news and that I would be right back.

It took me almost 30 minutes to make it to Chad's house when normally it only takes me 15 minutes any other time. I am so nervous my legs are shaking and my hands are all sweaty. finally I pull up in front of Chad's house and get out to go to the door. Once I make it to the door and begin knocking Chad's dad opens the door.

"Hey Star how are you today? "

"I'm fine Mr. H  how are you?

"Oh I can't complain sweetheart, your looking for Chad? "

"Yes sir, is he here by any chance?"

"No sweetheart he's not you just missed him by 15 minutes. "

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