Chapter 6

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"Ok ladies! If I call your name,you have officially made the Royal high Dance team,Go Dragons!"

"OK ladies, here we go: "

"Farrah! Denise! Aysia! Monique! Deara! Krystal! Lena! Moriah! and last but not least, drum rolls pleaseeee........ Ta'Kerah! "

As for the other girls, I would like to thank you all for coming out, don't give up, there's always next year. Keep your heads up and your chests out, your still all winners in my eyes, bye you guys see you next year.

"Too much? " as I whispered to Star and Wish.

"Yeah too much, you sound like Kimberly."

"Aw hell naw, y'all wrong for that." We all busted out laughing.

"Ok squad, let's do those steps over one more time and then were going to go over the new routine with you guys and
that'll be it for the day."

"Ok ladies let's get in formation! " Wish shouted.

Oh and F. Y. I. I'm taking the spot of the senior captain, Jaleesa because she's on bed rest because she's due to have her baby soon, and I'm loving it.

"And please pay attention and Lena watch your arms, you too Deara." Star said.

After practice we all were exhausted. All we wanted to do is eat ice cream and watch movies.

"You guys it's only Tuesday and I'm ready for the week to be over with already! " Wish shouted.

"I know right, and Ms. Monk is getting on my damn nerves with all these damn pop quizzes, she's going to make me pop her quiz if she don't get some damn act right."

"Girl, Mr. Popper working my damn nerves keep wanting me to come up to the board and solve a fucking problem, I think he just be wanting to look at my fat ass." Star jokingly said.

"Star, you don't have an ass let along a fat ass, you probably was in your damn phone texting Chad and not paying attention retard." Wish said out loud.

"Sus, I think my ass is getting a lil fatter, and my edges growing back, and bitch don't act like you don't be texting Zay all class periods and I know for sure that's all Kayla do is sit up and text Chandler." Star said.

"Bitch for one your edges ain't went nowhere, second I do see you got a lil more cake back there, Chad must be putting in some work, ok, ok, and thirdly so, I might text Chan every now and again but I still get my work done tramp."

"My work gets done too dammit, I be hearing they ass teaching and shit, I just be having to talk to my man at the same time, hell sooner or later they'll get with the program, fuck them."

"Bitch you ain't shit, I don't know what they gone do with yo sprung ass, cool whip looking ass, just whipped."

"No Sus, I do the whipping ,don't front on a thug you know how we do, dick don't whip us, we whips the dick! "

Then we all said, "And you know this... Man!!!! " in our smokey voice from Friday the movie.

After we left the gym we all came to my house and crashed all day, watching movies, eating ice cream and other snacks, and texting and talking to our men.

We try to give our men their space and not suffocate them and shit, you know let them have their free time, just as long as when we call or text they answer our calls and reply back to our texts. If a nigga wanna cheat he gone cheat, so we not going to be acting like no stalkish, insecure, clingy or needy ass girlfriends at all, we tell them,do you boo but at the same time it bet not get back to us because anything they can do we do better. We know they don't want those problems so we feel very secure in our spot, they ain't going nowhere and neither are we.

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