chapter 1

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Hello I'm Xena Black I'm 16. I'm living in church from when I was 8 years old.
Today seiji told me and that bitch (yui) that we going to live with his friends cous he going abroad. So I got my belongings that I didn't had much just my phone and headphones and my keys from my bike and car also from Leon's and Damon's house. I went out of my room 'finally getting out of this fucking hell.' I couldn't go living with Leon and Damon cous church didn't let me leave cous I'm a monster and all that. They hurted me, abused me and called me names.

I'm already outside waiting for yui to come down so I could get the address where they live cous I'm riding my bike today.

They walked down seiji hugged her and told her to look after me and be careful and if anything happens to call him bla bla bla.

He told us the address and I walked away before he say anything else but before that " GOOD BYE BITCHES" I yelled and walked towards my bike and drove of.

I stopped for few minutes and turned on GPS and enter the location. I droved around and finally went towards my destination.

I stopped Infront a huge mansion.

I stopped Infront a huge mansion

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Soon yui arrived to. I see her head stick out through window. "You really are stupid."

She got out and got hers bag and thanked the driver and started walking towards the cool mansion. She looked at me with glare that makes her look more desperate for attention. "Stop looking at me and go" I said to her and yui ignored me I hear her wishper to herself "creepy" I got of my baby and started walking towards the doors. It got cloudy and started pouring.

Yui run to the doors. ' tch bitch but whatever she can't do anything to me anymore' I said smirking. I see her walk in. Before I walk in I knocked 3 times and walked in. I see her under red head boy looking scared.

"Hello red head and yui you just got here and you already made problems for this guy" I said annoyed at her. I see red head smirking. Out of no where a purple-black haired guy appeared looking like a butler. " Ayato do your thing in your room not here." Sebastian 2 said to 'ayato' I guess "tch reiji, buzz kill." He mumbled to himself. Yui got of the sofa and ran to 'reiji'

"Please help me that guy attacked me for no reason" yui complained and trying to look innocent. "Who are you and why are you here?" Reiji asked her "I'm yui komori father sent me and a bitch to live here" she said and pointed at me while saying word bitch. Reiji looked at me and pushed his glasses up his nose.

"I'm Xena Black" I said in cold voice looking straight into his eyes. "Why am I not informed about this? Ayato explain to me" reiji looked at ayato " I don't know pancakes didn't tell and neither did melons" ayato looked at me.

"Well you didn't let me explain to you..... Wait did you call me melons?!?!" Yui asked " no bitch he called you pancakes cous you are as flat as a board." I said to her. I heard ayato chuckle while reiji trying not to smile. "Lets talk about this somewhere else" reiji said and walked away. I and ayato stayed back.

" I like you melons you going to be ore-samas" he said to me " I know I like myself too, but I'm not yours oreo-sama so lets go" I said to him and started walking to where reiji went.

I went into a room and sat on the sofa where yui sat. They talked about something but I wasn't listening.

I heard chuckles I looked up and saw a guy with fedore. " Who we got here two Humans" he said to no ones particular and appeared behind us with cute guy with teddy bear in his hands.

Fedora guy licked yuis cheek while the other one licked hers year. She bit screamed then they licked both my cheeks I just chuckled. "Hey kanato aren't they sweet?" Asked the guy with fedora " yeah" answer a guy with a teddy bear 'kanato' his name "kanato laito its disrespectful to do that when you just met" he said sternly.

"They gonna be ore-samas" ayato said "stop calling yourself yours truly its annoying" said voice. "Show yourself Subaru I know you are here" a guy with white hair walked out from shadows.
"Who disturbed my sleep?" He asked "um-mm excuse me but who are you?" Yui asked "I asked first!!!!" And he hitted the wall next to him. 'Not bad hit' I thought to myself. I saw a guy laying on the sofa with earphones in his ears and yes cloused.

"So why are you here?" Reiji asked."well cous my father sent us here to live with you cous he went abroad" yui told him.
"Why I don't know about this?" He asked himself. "Is seems its these girls that he was talking about that coming here to live with us." The guy with earphones said "Shu why didn't you told us?!" Reiji asked "to lazy" shu replied. "Good for nothing idiot" reiji said. I clenched my hand. 'even if I'm cold hearted I wouldn't talk about a person like that exept yui or those who deserves it' I think to myself. I stood up and walked towards Shu and laid on him and put my head on his chest. I feel him freeze but relax.

"So we cleared the misunderstanding so let me introduce ourselves. I'm Reiji the second oldest son, Shu the oldest one, ayato laito and kanato are triplets and youngest Subaru." Everything else I shutted out and put my hands around shu and I feel him hug me with one hand. Soon I heard a thud.

I opened one eye and see yui on the ground with scraped knee. "Good job yui as always desperate for attention" I said with bored voice. "M-Monsters!!!" She yelled and pulled out a cross. I chuckled and said " do you really think that's going to work on vampire idiot" Shu got up with me in his hands as yui ran out "oh heads up go get that bitch until she makes more trouble than she already has." Shu teleported us to my room and putted me on my bed. ' why do I feel connection with him why do I want to be near him? ' I asked myself.

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