chapter 11

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Kaname pov:

(Didn't expect this one did you?)

Just who is she? She isn't a human that for sure...

I was thinking while standing and watching her with those free new guys that just walked in this morning and was waiting near gates for something More like someone.

"If you want to know more ask them I'm to lazy and I'm going to sleep." I heard her say and see her walk of. Soon I see Max looking the way she walked and started walking the same direction as her.

"Natsu tell me later what they gonna tell you two I'm going to watch her" max said walk of.

I'm puzzled who are they to her. "Hey wait Max" I called out to him. "Who are you to her?" I ask "not your business" he said with cold voice. I don't know why but I feel strange inside. I love Yuki but I have strange feeling towards Xena. Get a grip Kaname.

I said to myself and walk of to my room. "Shiki let's go" I said to them. "Yes sir' he answered.

3rd pov:

As 4 guys stand near the gate's one of them, Natsu asks. "What's happened while we weren't here?' he asked his two friends that he hadn't seen in a while.

"Well she got into a church where she was tortured but we couldn't do anything cous there were Hunter's that protected the church. Later she was sent to sakamakis mansion where she was treated better but still was a blood bag to them. So we transfer to the school they were going. but soon we got transferred to this school where we met our old friend that we had met while walking around the town, that's why the red head named shiki was standing Infront of her and the brown haired vampire that was standing farther from us named Kaname. But we had left for few days to visit home and we got attacked and we found out it was....." Damon got cut while explaining by Leon.

"That was her brother but sadly he was killed by someone and war is coming so we are preparing but she isn't in the best condition even if she seems to be she is emotionally unstable.... But when we found her brother dead I almost lost control but luckily Damon and Xena was there and we left shortly after.... So she is acting bit differently." Leon finished explaining to his and Damon's two friends. Drew looked at them with narrow eyes. While Natsu punched a tree that was next to him.

"You two should had protected her better... She shouldn't had seen and been through what she had..." Andrew said seriously. "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU LET SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAPPEN TO HER?!?!" Natsu shouted. "We couldn't do much cous her orders were to not get involved and not use our power's on humans or Infront of them." Damon said

They talk some more while walking towards theirs rooms.

Max pov:

As I walked after her and when no one saw me anymore I ran towards her and hugged her from behind. "My rose, my angel I'm sorry." I said to her and lifted her into my arms and started walking towards the direction were she was walking.

"Sorry for what?" She asked me "for not being there for you when you needed me for not protecting you and leaving you for a fucking mission." I said with sad but soft voice.

She patted my head and told me the direction to her room.

"Don't be it's not your fault it's okay" she said to me

Soon we arrived at her room and she fall asleep in my arms.

"How I missed you my love I love you so much and I'm sorry for not being there for you but don't you worry my love I'm here now" I said silently when I was sure she was asleep.

Cous im in love with her same with others guys. She has that kind of effect on us.

Or was she asleep or did she heard what he said to her? Well we will find out later  😉 I know there were bit a lot of povs changes but hope you like it. Hope you all having a good day/night ❤️

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