chapter 8

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We went inside house and we were greeted by servents. "Hello miss Xena, Mr Leon and Damon." They bowed. We nodded and walked towards throne room. "Ahh good to be back" I said with a smile. Just as I sat down someone walk in. "You don't deserve to be sitting in the throne bitch." Some guy said I heard everyone gasp and I see Damon's and Leons eyes turn black. "Oh bad choice buddy bad choice Indeed." Damon said while Leon charge at him and he was dead. "Aww and he was a new guy at that too." I said with a smirk. "His fault." Leon growled. "Calm down buddy" I cooed at him. He walked towards me and sat next to me while laying down and putting his head on my lap. I ran my hands through his hair. "Hey Damon can you check our room?" I asked him with puppy eyes. "Whatever my queen" he said with a smirk on his face. I groaned.

"Yaawwnn" I looked down and see sleepy Leon. "Lets go to our room to sleep" I said
to him and got up with him. We walked to our room changed our clothes and gotten into our bed. They fell asleep first.
"I know that they are in love with me same with subaru, Shu, shiki but im not sure about zero and kaname but don't care about them and half of them love me like a sister." I wishpered to my self. 'They are so over protective these two that sometimes I just cant but they just so cute and all. They are like me without parents. I took them in even if I'm younger than them, I'm still took care of them.' I thought to myself.
Soon I fallen asleep.

I woke up to someone fight in the throne room. I got up and changed myself. (You can change your appearance in hell.)

And walked out

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And walked out. I see damon fighting some guy while Leon was laying on the ground. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" I yelled and ran to Leon and looked if he have any serious damage or anything else. "Phew his fine just unconscious." I said to myself. I looked up and looked in the man's eyes. "You aren't fully demon are you?" I asked with venom in my voice.

He shook in fear. "N-no I'm not....." He said. "Why. Are. You. Here?" Damon asked. "Please d-d-dont kill me" he begged "then answer the question" I growled at him "I was ordered to kill you when you arrive" he said while looking down. "Who sent you here?" Damon said with voice full of venom. "Master........ It's it's Master Matthew...." He said in low voice.

I looked at damon and nodded. Next thing I know is that his nails got longer and he killed the fucker.

"Thanks Damon" I said looking him in the eyes. Damon walked towards us and picks Leon up and caries him to his room.

When he put him on bed he opens his eyes. "That was fast" I said. Leon looked at me "excuseeee meee? Who is Matthew?" He questioned me.

Damon look at me with raised eyebrow.
"He is my half brother from different father." I said with cold voice with full of venom. Their eyes widened.

"HE'S YOUR BROTHER?!?!?!" they screamed.

"Mhmnm and don't fucking scream my ears hurt." I said annoyed.

"Sorry" they said in the same time (sorry sorry nika nika ok I will stop XD)

"Ok we need to find him before he does more things he gonna regret." I said to both of them "but how will we find him?"
They asked me and k just smiled at them and walked out back to my room.

I change to comfy black v-cut t-shirt and went back to sleep. The last thought that ran through my head before I fall asleep was 'it won't be easy not like before'.

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