chapter 9

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We found my brother but it was to late he was killed by his own member.....
"THOSE FUCKERS" I screamed feeling tears in my eyes.

Earlier this day.

"Okay we found him he is at the old house we used to go to meet up" leon said. We nodded and got ready

(How you look ☝️)

I changed my appearance so it would take less energy from me.

We went to the stables to get our horses.
"Hello beauty" I said to my black beauty with red ends of her hair.
Leon's was black with white and Damon's was white with little gray. Our horses were beutiful.

When we got closer we saw a lot of blood and body's....
We ran inside and saw him laying dead.

Back to now

"I wanted to know why he do that.... He still was my brother even if I hated him... I wanted to fix our relationship... Fuck why now of all the times." I said almost crying

Damon came to my said and hugged me.
"Shhh it's ok calm down" he said and kissed my head.

"Princess we need to go back to the world tomorrow" he said while Leon was looking around but with his demon eyes.

(Leon eyes)

"Yeah lets go and we need to calm down Leon before he does damage" I said calming down.

"LEON WE ARE GOING BACK" I shouted he turned and walked towards us. He nodded and we went back to our mansion. We went to sleep in one room.

*Next day*

I woke up and see Damon sleeping and Leon in the balcony standing and looking at the red moon. I got up from the bed and walked towards him.

I hugged him from behind and he stiffens. "What are you thinking?" I asked "how I'm a coward and can't say how I feel to special person" he said still looking up at the moon.

(The red moon)

" You aren't a coward not today, not ever" I comforted him. He turned around and hugged me.

He put his head into my neck. "I know it's not the right time but I need to tell you something" he mumbled into my neck and then kissed it.

"Go on' I patted his head.

"I love you for a long time, I had loved you from the first time I saw you. I can't keep these feelings in the dark. I tried to get rid of them but I failed. I'm in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He confessed to me.

"You are so cute I'm soo sorry but can you wait for my replay..... My feeling are mixed and I don't know what I really feel" I answered him with small smile and looked down

"I understand my little princess" he said and kissed my forehead "let's go back to bed I need more sleeep" I complained to him while pouting at the end of my sentence. "Haha cute ok let's go" we went back to bed me in the middle.

Next day back at the school (vampire Knight school)

(You turned back in to the human version the picture is in the introduction chapter if you forgot how you look ;) )
" Didn't missed it at all " both guys said. I laughed at them. "Haha well I missed few friends of our but you know I have a feeling that something gonna happen soon and it isn't good" I said to them

I felt someone jump at me and we fall down. "Ughhh that hurt" I looked up and saw red hair. "YOU BACK" he shouted. "Shiki get of her" both guys said with serious voice.

He stand up and help me up but didn't stop hugging me. I patted his head.

"So what did we miss?" I heard a new voice. I turned around and saw my friend and few more guys.

Shiki let go of me but Damon and Leon pulled me towards them and hugged me while shiki stand Infront of us.

Sorry I took so long to update hope you like it and have a great time purple you readers-chans 💜

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