chapter 2

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Before he left I grabbed his hand. He turned around and looked at me. I hugged him and he froze but hugged me back after a while. " I don't know why but I feel like you are bit similar to me the child who didn't get a lot of love but was forced to study" I looked up at him and saw him looking at me with wide eyes. "How" He asked " I had a feeling that you are like me Shu and when Reiji said that you are worthless well it added up to me and I want you to know that you aren't alone Shu not anymore cous I'm here." I mumbled into his chest. " Thank you Xena" he hugged me back.

Shus pov:

How did she know about it. And I just feel that I can trust her and she already dear to me. And her blood smells so sweet.

Xenas pov:

"Hey Shu can you pick me up and we should go and see what she did" I said to him. He nodded and picked me bridal style and teleported to some room. "Damn you yui why do you have to make trouble for these guys?" I asked her. She just looks at a notebook with a picture of her and seiji. " Shu I'm just going to sleep for a bit and when this is finish wake me up okay?" I asked him " sure Xena" he said lazily.

I put my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

Others brothers pov:

His fast but she looks beautiful and her blood smells so sweet and good.

(They all though the same thing except Shu)

Xenas pov:

I opened my eyes and see I'm in my room

I opened my eyes and see I'm in my room

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(How your rooms looks like)

And I see Shu besides me. I snuggle up to him 'i warmed up to you quickly huh just don't break my trust please' I thought to myself. 'i can quickly warm up to some people' I heard doors open and someone walk in. "Shu I thought I told you to wake her up and tell her to get ready for school" reiji said. Shu ignored him, I just hug him tighter. " Miss Xena your uniform is on your bed and get ready for school and don't be late." And he disappeared from my new room. "Ughhh I don't want toooo" I complained to myself I heard Shu chuckling at my childish action.

"Ok get ready Xena and get down I'm going to living room to wait for you there" Shu told me. "Mhmm" I went to bathroom washed my hair with strawberry shampoo and conditioner with chocolate body gel. I brushed my teeth and walked out to look at the uniform.

"Does he really think that I'm going to wear this shit?" I asked myself and went to my closet and get something else to wear.
I putted on black jeans, white t-shirt with black jacket and black sneakers. And went down. I see everyone there except yui. "I see that the bitch isn't here yet." And as I said that I heard someone running down stairs. " One, two three" and at the word three she fallen down.
"Pfftt keep it up and you gonna die early. Hey Shu can you tell me the address of the school?" He told me and I went out to my baby. I got on and pulled out my phone with keys. I putted in the keys but didn't turn on. I called Damon to tell him the news.

D- Damon
L- Leon
X- Xena

D: yelo
X: hey
D: kitty!!!!
Leo: Xenaaaa!!!!!!
X: heyo Leo.
I see them drive out through the gates.
D: what's new and why haven't you called us sooner we were worried.
X: well seiji sent us to sakamaki's mansion and its seems that they are 6 vampires it would be okay but he sent me with that bitch to live together.
L: for real fuckk oh and why aren't you asleep?
X: night school.
D: ohhh.
L: tell us the schools name and we gonna in-role there.
I told them school name and said bye cous I needed to go to.

(That's how you gonna look when you gonna get Infront of the school in the next chapter👆the picture at the very top with a girl on the bike 😉)

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