chapter 10

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"well hello there guys " shiki doesn't know them but I and these two idiots know them. Damon and Leon loosen theirs grip on me.

Ahhh the lazy one that love music but still protective over me

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Ahhh the lazy one that love music but still protective over me. He love music and writing it and helping his friends with it.
He is Andrew McKinney but for shorter drew he is 18 years old.

He is Andrew McKinney but for shorter drew he is 18 years old

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And here comes the Idol of the group. He is one of the most famous idol. He sings different styles of music. he can be cocky but still caring.
He is Natsume Blain 17 years old.

And for the last one the bad boy of the group

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And for the last one the bad boy of the group. Love's music. He was part of a gang but the gang is dead but I saved him in time so now he is like your body guard when he isn't to far from you.
His name is Max Winter age 16 same as you.

"Yo! Didn't you missed us our rose?" Asked max with cold but still sweet voice. "And who is those guys little rose?" Asked Natsume with raised eyebrow while pointing to shiki and kaname. "Of course I missed you all guys.  And these are shiki I became friend with him while I stayed here and the other one is kaname" I explained.

"So Xena who are those three guys?" Asked shiki while still standing infront of me. "They are our friends." I said simply.

I walked past him and Natsu (short for Natsume) and max ran to me while Andrew or drew stayed behind. "Damn guys had you worked out lately? Cous you all got weak as fuck" I said jokingly

"Me? get weak don't joke look at this 6 pack" Natsu said while lifting up his shirt.

"Cocky bastard" Leon said from behind

" Yooo chill man as always in the fun mood I see" Natsu said with a smirk.

"Yeah and you are in what kind of mood? Oh wait you don't have moods like us you have mood swings like every 5-10 minutes like always" Leon said back while looking up to the sky.

"Shut up you little fucker"  Natsu said emphasizing on word little cous he is taller than him. "By the way how is weather down there leon?" Natsu asked while picking me and putting me on his shoulder.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU" Damon and Max yelled at the same time. Max walked towards us and picked me up and putted on the ground.

"So will you introduce us to them?" Asked Max "well this is shiki and kaname" I said their names while pointing to each on of them. He nodded and looked towards Damon.

"How are things you keeping her safe while we weren't here?" He asked him.

"Well yeah..... Mostly....... As much as we could help without getting notice and following her orders" he said while looking into different detection.

"What do you mean?" Asked drew.
"Oh look the lazy ass talk's" I joked.
He looked at me and shooked his head.

"Hey guyyyysss I just came back and it's not the place to talk about this and not the time either but you showed up almost on time when I need you all nice" after I said that I started to walk towards the doors " if you want to know more ask them I'm too lazy to explain" and I went to my room to sleep.

Sorry that I didn't update in a while. And I know it's shorter than others but hope you like it.

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