chapter 13

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I'm thinking of not doing this book anymore so I will finish it sorry who was waiting for more chapters and sorry that I will end this book so bad.

After we went to theirs rooms we found the guy who killed my brother I took my revenge. Kaname and yuki left with other couple vampires. Sakamakis lived with yui and Natsu whipped theirs memories of me and others same with kaname and others vampires.

Me and the rest of the guys went on different missions cous we started working with secret agents. Guys found their mates exept for one Max. He found it but she left him for another guy.

He was emotionless for a long time but still stayed by my side. While others went to live with them by still doing missions time to time.

"So drew.... How are you holding up?" It already had gone 4 years.... "Better." He said one word and went to hitting the sand bag. I went to him and turned him around. I see his red puffy eyes. "Its ok Max." I said to him and pulled his face to my chest so he kneeled and hugged me. While I was patting his head. "Hey hey look up" I said to him with soft voice.

He looked up and I kissed him on the lips so he would stop crying and it worked.
He kissed me back. "Calm?" I ask he nodded.

In his eyes were emotions that I had seen few times, Love, fear and lust.

"Can I say one thing?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "I had been in love with you for a long time now. I had stopped loving you when I had found her but those feelings never left... I never stop loving you. You saved my life. You are my life, my goddess Xena. I don't know what I would do without you. You stayed by my side when others didn't. I can't thank you enough for doing that for me. I'm in love with you and I have crazy question. Wouldyoubemygirlfriend?" He said it all and the last sentence fast but I still understood. "YESS OF COURSE I WOULD LOVE TO! I'm in love with you, you crazy man, you made me fall for you without me knowing that. You saved my life countless time without you knowing that. I had thought so many times to end my life cous I had no one and then bam you appeared and saved me before I fall. So thank you and I love you so much my star and there is one thing that I need to go back to hell soon for taking over the throne and be rightful Queen so would you make me the honour and be my king?" I asked him.

"Yes my queen I would go wherever you go." He kissed me and I kissed back.

You two went back to hell and became king and Queen. You gave birth to baby boy and his name was William Black.

You lived happily and was the best ruler's that hell has ever had. You and drew had died cous of the age so your son had taken over.

I'm really sorry again but I don't have anymore ideas for this book. So I'm ending it now. Hope you all enjoyed the book my lovely reader-chans. So for now good bye ❤️

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