chapter 3

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I stopped in front of the school and I hear people talking about me. "Who is she?" "Damn she looks like badass I tap that" "wow what a bitch" "she looks like a slut" and more. "OKAY SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled cous I got tired of it. That's why I hate school they gonna talk or bully others who doesn't deserve or the ones that can't protect themselves I hate that.

I take my helmet off and walked into the school. I see Shu waiting at the entrance.
"Here" he gave me my schedule. "Thanks" and I walked towards my locker and putted my helmet and walked around the school.

First lesson was history.  I slept through hole lesson.

Second was music and I just listened to music but didn't sing or play any instrument.

Third was math that I skipped. I bumped into someone a tall guy with little pony tail. "Hey watch where you going man" I said to him " hehe you bumped into me but whatever. I'm Yuma and you?" He asked me. "Xena Black new student" I said with bored tone. "Ohhh okay well maybe meet you later" and I went to my fourth class that was chemistry. I was getting bored until someone knocked on the doors and asked for me.

I walked out and saw Leo and Damon standing there with smiles on their faces.
"GUYSSSS!!!!" I yelled at them and jumped on them making all of us fall down. " We missed you too kitty" Said Leo.

We got up and walked towards principal so to get theirs schedule.

"So you gonna drive from your home to here?" I asked them "mhmm" answer Damon. "Oki I'm really happy that I got to see you two even if we had seen in like a week" I said with a smile on my face.
"We are happy to see you two little one." Damon said to me. "Ok lets go to art class shall we?" Leon asked we nodded.

I sat with Leo while Damon sat behind me. "Hello I'm Mr raven and today we have 3 new students please introduce yourself" teacher said to us. I stood up "Xena Black don't mess with me or these two" I said and sat back. " Damon king don't mess with us" Damon said while sitting. " Leon Hunter don't fucking mess with us or you dead." He said while standing and when he finished he sat down "language mister. Now class you gonna draw nature it can be trees river or something else" teacher said and went down to sit down while we started drawing.

30mins later

My drawing

Damon's drawing

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Damon's drawing

Damon's drawing

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Leon's drawing

When the class finished we left it on the teachers desk and went out

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When the class finished we left it on the teachers desk and went out. We went to cafeteria.

Me and Leon went to sit down while Damon went to get our foods.
"So Leon when we get back from school lets play?" I asked him with a smirk. " You know it babe" he said that and I heard a growl. I look behind me and see subaru. 
" Hi subaru" I said to him and looked back at Leon. " Babe who is he?" He asked me "one of the persons that I live with." I answered him. I look where subaru is but he is gone now.

I see Damon walking back with our food. He put my pizza Infront of me. "Food!!!" We both said. We started eating.

After we finished eating I asked Damon "do you want to play with us when we get home?" Damon looked at me with a smirk "of course what kind of question is that" He said to us.

We got home and I went to my room. I logged in and we started playing. We played all day.

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